Why You Should Take CBD Oil for Insomnia with ICARIA Founder

Dec 8, 2020CBD Oil For Stress & Anxiety

cbd oil for insomnia

Today on the blog Nadya, ICARIA Owner/Founder, is sharing some of her personal story and journey with CBD oil for insomnia. In a nutshell, she will be discussing CBD oil for insomnia, what results you can expect, and how it can help you sleep at night and nap during the day, among a number of other health benefits. Even if napping is something you have not been able to do in the past!


How Nadya Started with CBD Oil

For the first time in my life, I started being able to nap during the day when I began using CBD oil. Not only that, but it also helped me with a number of other things like sleeping at night, which I will mention a bit later. CBD came to me when I was going through an extremely stressful period in my life including a painful break-up that left me feeling unlike myself.

Aside from being super stressed out and constantly wired, my sleep was also suffering greatly. I felt like I was not able to slow down my mind and as if my thoughts were spinning out of control. And I was not able to relax and my anxiety levels were also off the charts during the day. In the end, I was so desperate for a solution that I was willing to try anything at that point in time.

Luckily, one of my girlfriends introduced me to CBD oil. It was not something that I had ever thought about using before as I had been raised in a family in which cannabis was considered to be a harmful drug. It really is a shame that the stigma still exists to this day and prevents so many people from trying out this safe and effective natural solution. However, I am so grateful that I was able to see past this and that I followed the great advice of a trusted friend.


The Amazing Effects of CBD Oil

Not too long after I tried CBD oil for the first time, I found myself feeling calm, grounded, and focused. It was almost like my anxiety had just evaporated and I was able to focus for once. This was certainly not a feeling that I was used to as I had been running on stress for a number of months at that point.

I had been previously caught in the vicious cycle of being tired during the day and wired at night. As a holistic nutritionist, I know is a key indicator of burnout. I was completely emotionally, mentally, and physically drained and simply did not see a way out.

Sleep deprivation and the inability to nap had become very familiar to me. I would have an incredibly busy day and feel drained but not enough to nap. Then at night, when I should be going to bed, I would not be able to fall asleep and stay asleep. So I would get out of bed in the morning feeling tired. I knew this was not going to be sustainable for me as a busy entrepreneur. 

I later connected the dots to find out that the reason for my poor sleep habits was an imbalance in my hormones cortisol and melatonin. So I began taking CBD oil morning and evening to help bring my system back into balance naturally and was pleasantly surprised by the quick results.


How Does It Make You Feel?

In the beginning, I was very discouraged because I had tried so many alternative and natural supplements. I had high hopes that something would work for me. Spoiler alert, nothing really made a profound and lasting difference except for CBD oil. This was also how I became hooked and when I decided to found ICARIA!

I was also surprised to find that I did not feel any kind of specific way of taking CBD oil. Perhaps I had expected a particular sensation or a feeling of being high like with THC. I was worried about this because I had a previous negative experience from using THC. Of course, this was definitely not the case and I just felt a wave of relaxation wash over me like never before.

I was happy to know that CBD oil was non-psychoactive and non-addictive so I could use it on the days and nights that I needed extra help without relying on it. There are also no side effects to worry about and it is very safe to take as much as you need. Some days I would even totally forget to take it and still felt good.


Other Health Benefits of CBD Oil

One main difference that I also found was that I was able to nap during the day! This was never something I was able to do before because my mind was constantly so active, despite my super low energy levels. Taking CBD oil was genuinely the first thing that allowed my mind to slow down during the day so I could focus. 

Not only that, but I was also able to fall asleep and stay asleep at night so I could get up in the morning feeling truly rested and refreshed for once. CBD oil helped to calm my busy and overactive mind so that I could really unwind and relax before bed.

Everything else started to improve from there as well, including my energy levels and my productivity. My anxiety finally felt like it was under control and I could slowly start returning to my normal routine and lifestyle again, feeling even better than I did before.

In addition, CBD oil would also help to numb any aches and pains so that I could feel more comfortable when that time of the month comes around. It also worked to balance out my hormone levels so I could feel more like myself throughout the day. My only regret is that I had not discovered it sooner and not been so resistant.


The Final Word

The health benefits of CBD oil for insomnia are undeniable. It really helped me to get back to a better place mentally, emotionally, and physically. I understand that for some people it might be outside of their comfort zone, but I would certainly encourage you to give it a try. You never know, you might find that CBD oil for insomnia makes a world of difference for you.

To further ease your mind, the products at ICARIA are made using CBD isolate. This allows us to guarantee that there is no THC in any of them as we know a lot of our clients are sensitive to it. It also helps to prevent any unpleasant side effects. In addition, we third-party test every single batch of product to fully deliver on our promise. If you are looking to get started with CBD oil, we typically suggest starting with a lower dose. Just know that it will take some time to figure out the correct dosage.


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