Taking CBD Oil – 5 Things You Feel From Taking CBD

Mar 3, 2020CBD Oil For Beginners

CBD oil benefits

A lot of people have crazy expectations about CBD. They think that taking CBD oil is going to make them feel some specific type of way. While this is somewhat true, in that CBD oil is incredibly effective for a number of health conditions. We want to break down some of the misconceptions about what you will and will not feel from taking CBD oil.

1. Feel Calmer and Less Stressed

CBD oil is totally non-psychoactive, unlike THC, and therefore it will not make you high. That being said, it will make you feel more centered and relaxed by taking the edge off. Therefore, a lot of our clients really enjoy using CBD oil throughout the day for stress and anxiety management. The effects are quite subtle and you will feel a reduction in any symptoms that are normally linked.

2. Feel Happier and Boost Your Mood

CBD oil actually positively affects the neurotransmitters like serotonin which works to give you a pleasant mood boost. This is why CBD oil is being shown to also be helpful for depression. It can make you feel more at ease and at peace with whatever is going on around you. For this reason, CBD can even help you have a better day when you are feeling a little down.

3. Feel Less Irritated and More Stable

CBD oil helps to balance you out and bring you back into homeostasis. This can help to prevent any mood swings or irritability. In addition to helping with mood and working on hormones, CBD oil can also help to regulate blood sugar levels which can play a key role in stabilizing your mood. In addition, it can help to prevent food cravings which can prevent extra snacking.

4. Feel Less Pain and Tension

CBD oil is known to be an analgesic and anti-inflammatory which is good news for any kind of pain or tension in the body. CBD can reduce uncomfortable symptoms in the short-term. In addition, it can also work to actually promote healing in the body over the long-term. While this can be great for arthritis, it can also apply to athletic performance and recovery to reach your fitness goals.

5. Feel More Focused and Present 

CBD helps you to get into the zone and avoid distractions at work which can positively affect your productivity throughout the day. You simply feel more centered and better able to focus. It works by calming that monkey chatter that normally takes up precious space in our mind. It can also improve your cognition and memory by working on a specific region of the brain.

BONUS: Feel Absolutely “Nothing” 

This is a funny one because it is actually very true. People think they are going to feel fireworks and all of their problems magically resolved. CBD oil is incredibly effective for a variety of issues and can work quite rapidly. That being said, you can expect more to feel a lack of something (like an absence of previous symptoms) rather than an addition of any kind of feeling (like the caffeine boost you get from coffee). So if you are taking CBD oil and feel nothing, then it is likely working exactly as it is supposed to. That being said, if you don’t feel the desired results, you might need to boost your dose slightly.

CBD oil is very subtle and for this reason, it can take some time to find the appropriate dosage for you. We generally suggest that people start with between 5-10 drops and work their way up from there to find what suits them best. That being said, there are certain conditions, like pain management for example, that we see clients needing consistently higher dosages to experience the relief that they are looking for.

Therefore, depending on what you plan on using it for and your specific needs, you might want to consider using our newer HARMONIA product that packs a powerful punch. It’s double the concentration of THEIA or APHRODITE, meaning a little bit goes a long way. You will also get a better bang for your buck.

Join our free, 7-day CBD oil webinar to learn everything you need to know about this miracle oil and discover how you can implement it into your personal routine.

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