3 Relaxation Techniques Using CBD – CBD for Stress

Apr 19, 2022CBD Oil For Stress & Anxiety

how cbd can potentialize relaxation techniques

Many of us have searched the internet for relaxation techniques or relaxation quotes. We do it in the hope of finding a miracle list or phrase that will tell us what to do to get rid of the worries inside our heads and relieve the tension in our bodies. 

Nowadays, it seems, there are far more reasons to get anxious or stressed than reasons to feel serene. Stress can appear due to work, a world crisis, family issues, or any personal concern that we might not even be aware of. 

We have already discussed how CBD oil can help us with adrenal fatigue caused by chronic stress. But, what if it’s not something constant in our lives? What if we just want to unwind after a particularly stressful day?


Common Causes for Stress

As humans, we love to take shortcuts because our brains tell us to. It’s quick and easy and it doesn’t take a lot of physical or emotional effort.

Taking care of stress means taking care of ourselves. This requires us to become more self-aware and analyze the root of our problem before jumping to possible solutions.

So, what could be causing us stress and/or anxiety? These are the most common causes of stress:

  • Feeling under pressure
  • Facing changes in your life
  • Having responsibilities
  • Being uncertain

If these sound too general to you it’s because they are meant to be taken as a guide map. These causes may or may not apply to everyone, but it is up to each of us to ask ourselves the proper questions. Relaxation techniques won’t work unless we are in the right headspace!


Benefits of Relaxation Techniques

It might be obvious for a lot of us why being relaxed is important to both our mental and physical health. However, when discussing relaxation techniques we are entering the realm of self-care, self-love, and self-awareness. 

We have already discussed the latter in the section above but here is a reminder: in order to relieve our stress, first we have to acknowledge the fact that we are feeling stressed and look deep into our lives to find the reasons behind it.

But how are relaxation techniques related to self-care and self-love? Well, when we search for this miracle list on the internet we are certainly not hoping for someone to tell us “go to the therapist” or “go to a spa” or “visit your chiropractic”, aren’t we? 

What we are looking for are ways to take care of stress ourselves, to take care of ourselves because we care about ourselves and we love ourselves! 

If you need more convincing, here are some of the health benefits of relaxation techniques:

  • Lowering our blood pressure
  • Improving our digestion
  • Balancing our blood sugar levels
  • Reducing muscle tension and chronic pain
  • Improving sleep quality


Common Relaxation Techniques

Now, here is the interesting part. This is the list of the most effective relaxation techniques for relieving stress, and how CBD oil and CBD products potentialize their benefits to our health.  


Mindful meditation requires you to find a calm space, sit comfortably, and focus on your breathing. By doing so you will be able to clear your mind of all past and present worries. Taking CBD oil before meditation helps you balance your emotions and increases your focus. This potentializes the benefits and improves the experience for beginners in meditation.

Breath Focus

If you find meditation is not for you or you can’t really find the space and time for it, breathing exercises might be your best option. These are quicker and can help you in daily situations where you feel stress (or anxiety, or panic) is taking over you. This technique requires you to take long, slow, deep breaths that help calm you down by connecting with your body in a positive way. Using essential oils with CBD on your temples or wrists is good at keeping you at peace and giving you something pleasant to smell while breathing. 

Also, if you need a guide or something to time your breaths, you might find this tool very useful.


You might have heard of this technique before, we are sure of it. Somewhere in a movie, a cartoon, or a series someone feeling stressed might have said “I’m going to my happy place”. Well, this technique is basically that: when feeling stressed, you must stop what you are doing and take the time to close your eyes and imagine the places, people, memories, or objects that instantly give you peace. 

Cons? While reminiscing it is often difficult to separate peaceful images from worrisome ones. 

As with the first technique, taking CBD oil before doing this balances your feelings, calms your thoughts, and helps you focus on the images that could give you the peace you seek. Again, this potentializes the benefits of this technique.


Final words…

Stress is part of modern lives and there is no denying it. As stress could be the root of more serious problems, it’s normal to look for quick and easy solutions that could help us relieve the tension in our minds and bodies. 

There is a vast variety of relaxation techniques we could make part of our daily routines and that could greatly improve our mental and physical health. Using CBD oil and CBD products as a supplement to these techniques is an amazing way to ensure we are in the right headspace to maximize the stress-relieving benefits of these methods.


Keep in mind that any technique you learn is a new skill acquired. This means each relaxation technique you try will take time, practice, and patience. The key is to remember you are doing this for your own well-being and peace of mind!

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