Can You Safely Take CBD Oil Every Day?

Apr 21, 2020CBD Oil For Beginners

cbd oil every day

A lot of people use CBD oil very frequently to manage their chronic health conditions. This includes the management of mild to severe symptoms and anything in between. A lot of people will choose to use CBD oil consistently for day-to-day anxiety as well. However, this raises the question, is CBD oil safe to use on a daily basis?

Yes, absolutely! This is great news since a lot of our customers report great relief from uncomfortable and unpleasant symptoms. In addition, there are a number of wonderful health benefits of CBD oil for rebalancing the body when taken consistently over a longer period of time.

How Long Does CBD Last in the Body?

CBD oil can be effective for up to 8 hours however, it can last in your system for up to a few days. The studies show that the effectiveness window is much longer than other delivery methods like inhalation through vaping or smoking. Thus, taking a few drops of CBD oil and holding them under the tongue for roughly one minute is the best way of taking CBD for maximum results. This is also an advantage since it can keep working on any inflammation or hormonal imbalances that are going on within the body for a major chunk of the day. For this reason, CBD oil can help you manage chronic health conditions like autoimmunity since inflammation is often at the root of the majority of illnesses. In addition, that is why we suggest taking CBD oil morning and evening. This will ensure that CBD is working for you during the day and while you sleep.

Can You Get Addicted to CBD Oil?

No, you cannot. CBD, unlike THC, is completely non-psychoactive and non-addictive. In other words, you will not develop a reliance on it or feel any mind-altering effects. You will also not experience any withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it. This means that you can safely take CBD oil one day when you need it and then if you feel good the next day you can simply choose NOT to take it. This is not available to you with a lot of prescription medications. Interestingly enough, studies show that CBD even has the ability to possibly treat or prevent addiction. Of course, for any chronic conditions, we do suggest continuing to take it regularly for the best results, as mentioned previously.

Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD?

Not really. The studies show that your body does not build a tolerance to CBD. Unlike THC, your body does NOT start to get used to CBD oil if you are taking it frequently over a longer period of time. This means that you will NOT need to take more to feel the same effects as before. That being said, some of the historical information that we have collected from clients is inconclusive on this point. However, if you are finding that you need to increase your dose, take a short break (a few days) and your body will quickly reset itself. Therefore, you will become more sensitive to it again and can drop your dose down to a lower level. This will help you to get the most out of CBD oil and also save some money. In addition, there is no upper limit to how much CBD oil you can take since there are no side effects to worry about.

In conclusion, CBD oil is totally safe to take on a daily basis. We even encourage our customers to take it on a more regular basis to get the best results. This becomes even more important for those dealing with chronic health conditions or hormonal imbalances. 

Curious to get started with CBD oil? We suggest getting started with our THEIA LIGHT option. It comes with no taste and our lowest concentration. That way you can test out CBD with a lower investment and the least risk on your part. 

However, we are confident that you will be impressed with the results, just like a number of our loyal customers.

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