CBD Oil & Spirituality: 3 CBD Spiritual Benefits

Mar 2, 2021CBD Oil For Stress & Anxiety, CBD oil Health Benefits

In the world of wellness and entrepreneurship ‘spirituality’ has started to become way more mainstream as holistic and alternative solutions start to rise. And if you ask us, we think it’s pretty progressive and overdue. Today, let’s talk about the CBD spiritual benefits.

We have seen many people turn towards trying different solutions when it comes to choosing health products for their mental, physical and emotional well-being. This was a huge reason why our founder Nadya decided to even try CBD and spirituality herself. Which in turn built ICARIA. 

So by now, you are probably wondering… What does CBD have to do with spirituality? 

Like anything related to taking care of ourselves, it is highly beneficial to try different products and tools that FEEL right to you. We are all different and finding the tools that we jive with to have in our toolkits is important. If you have ever started a spiritual practice before, you know that it can take a while to find the flow that is aligned with you. Whether that be yoga, meditation or using supplements like CBD oil.

In this blog, we are going to discuss how CBD can be a HIGHLY BENEFICIAL tool to add to your ‘spiritual practice’ aka tool kit. And hey- if you don’t consider yourself to be “spiritual” or have one of these practices, this blog is still 100% for you- it might invite you to try one, or you might find a completely different takeaway. Whatever the case- an open mind here is the key!


Below are 3 CBD Spiritual Benefits

1. CBD oil helps to calm the nervous system down

When we take part in spiritual practice the intention usually is to go inward and connect with ourselves/ source. This can take a while to feel into because in our human world, we have racing thoughts and to-do lists playing like a movie 99% of the day.

CBD helps to calm the nervous system, which in turn decreases our anxiety and allows us space to slow down and focus on the task at hand or what we are intending to focus on. Taking CBD oil before you meditate could be an amazing addition to your morning practice.

Bottom line: CBD oil helps stop the mental chatter and go within.

Recommended CBD oil for anxiety


2. CBD oil is natural, safe and healing

When we take the plunge into deep inner work we often open ourselves up to inner healing. We might even start to experience healing of the body. Almost as if our stored emotions start to come out of us and our body is the vehicle that stores them. Having a spiritual practice allows for more self-awareness and compassion while healing from old traumas and events in one’s life. CBD oil can help to physically support the body in a healthy and holistic manner.

Healing is a lot on the body and adding a tool like CBD not only help ease the anxiety of the mind, but it also acts to restore balance to the physical body during this process. CBD oil positively affects the endocannabinoid system whose main function is to keep our body in balance. 

Bottom line: CBD oil can promote emotional healing and thus healing of the body.


3. CBD oil helps with sleep

Sleep is where we restore and in a spiritual sense dream, heal and explore “other worlds”.

CBD oil as we stated above helps to calm the system and starts to work in many people at night time who deal with insomnia. When we sleep on a spiritual level we are “healing”. We are being shown things from our subconscious- and the vivid dreams come for us to remember and use as symbolism to what really might be happening for us to work through in our waking life… Although this isn’t always the case and sometimes dreams and simply just dreams- it’s super fun to have this way of looking at it. 

Taking CBD before bed can definitely help you with your spiritual practices in terms of getting into a deeper state of rest to allow for deep inner healing. The best part when you take CBD oil consistently you will begin to notice a difference in the way you wake up. Perhaps the dreams show you something, or maybe you feel more at ease in the morning over time which allows you to meditate longer. They go hand in hand.

Bottom line: CBD oil helps you fall asleep to heal and feel more connected to yourself.

Recommended CBD oil for sleep

Above all else, CBD is an effective and simple way to add a little DOSE of support in your daily spiritual practices. It doesn’t have to be anything major that can make a huge difference, in fact often it’s the little things that add up over time. We recommend trying CBD and seeing how it makes a difference in your spiritual and day-to-day routines. 

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