CBD Oil for Stress Reduction and Adrenal Fatigue

Feb 25, 2020CBD Oil For Stress & Anxiety

cbd oil for stress

Like we mentioned in our previous article, burnout can be difficult to spot and can easily progress into a more serious condition. In essence, burnout and adrenal fatigue are the same thing, so they can both benefit from CBD oil. The signs and symptoms can be elusive and slowly develop over time. This means we will not end up recognizing them before it becomes too late. 

Therefore, we need to check-in without ourselves on a regular basis to become aware of how we are doing on a mental, emotional, and physical level before things progress to an unmanageable level. This is why self-care is so important, not just a frivolous activity, but a major component of maintaining our health, in addition to using CBD oil for stress.

Adrenal Fatigue and Stress

Adrenal fatigue can result from ongoing stress in our lives over a longer period of time. This is not the same as too much stress at one time. Stress involves too much pressure with heavy demands on you physically and mentally. Stressed people can still imagine that if they can get everything under control then they will feel better. Luckily, CBD oil is extremely helpful and effective for dealing with stress in the moment.

However, adrenal fatigue is the opposite of stress, and is a state of not enough versus too much. This means that someone dealing with adrenal fatigue will feel empty and mentally exhausted, unmotivated, and apathetic. They will not see any hope of positive change in their situation in the foreseeable future. CBD oil works on a number of different mechanisms within the body that can help with this depleted feeling as well.

Excessive stress feels like you are drowning in responsibilities while adrenal fatigue is a sense of being drained. People are often aware of being under a lot of stress but it can be more difficult to be aware when burnout happens. Regardless, of your issue, both conditions can benefit significantly from the use of CBD oil which we mention further below.

Recommended CBD oil for Stress

Reasons for Adrenal Fatigue and How CBD Oil Can Help

Adrenal fatigue can come from a number of different sources. It can often be a result of your job. Anyone who feels overworked and undervalued is at risk for burnout. This can include the hardworking office worker who does not take their vacation, to the frazzled stay-at-home mom caring for children, to an aging parent.

However, adrenal fatigue can also stem from a variety of other contributing factors other than just work or extensive responsibilities. Your lifestyle and personality traits can also allow you to be more susceptible. For example, what you do in your time off and how you view the world can play just as big a role in promoting overwhelming stress like work or home demands.

Work Factors

  • Feeling like you have little or no control over your work
  • Lack of recognition or reward for good work
  • Unclear or overly demanding job expectations
  • Doing work that’s monotonous or unchallenging
  • Working in a chaotic or high-pressure environment

CBD oil can help you at work by quickly boost your mood, reducing feelings of overwhelm, improving your productivity and focus.

Lifestyle Factors

  • Working too much, without enough time for socializing or relaxing
  • Lack of close, supportive relationships
  • Taking on too many responsibilities, without enough help from others
  • Not getting enough sleep

CBD oil can support your lifestyle by helping reduce stress and anxiety so you can build better relationships and also promoting better sleep.

Personality Traits

  • Perfectionistic tendencies; nothing is ever good enough
  • Pessimistic view of yourself and the world
  • The need to be in control; reluctance to delegate to others
  • High-achieving, Type A personality

CBD oil can complement your personality traits by helping you to feel more at ease and less irritable allowing you to let loose a little bit.

How CBD Oil Can Help with Adrenal Fatigue Overview

There are a number of different ways that CBD oil help to prevent adrenal fatigue. Firstly, CBD oil works by giving you a break from your daily stress and anxiety so that your adrenal glands can get a chance to rest and recover. Stress and anxiety are really the key driving forces behind adrenal fatigue because they put your body into a constant state of alarm and raise cortisol levels. Therefore, reducing stress and anxiety with CBD oil will be the first and most important step that you can take in preventing burnout. Consider CBD oil to be the first line of defence against adrenal fatigue, in combination with consistent self-care practices. In addition, CBD oil can help once you are in the state of burnout by helping to bring your hormone levels back into balance.

Self-Care Practices to Avoid Adrenal Fatigue

Stress is often unavoidable, but adrenal fatigue is definitely preventable. Following the steps mentioned below can help to reduce stress and avoid adrenal fatigue.

  1. Exercise helps to give us both a physical and emotional boost. Even a short work-out like a ten-minute walk around the block can be very beneficial to your health and a great way to also get some fresh air. Or find a class that you enjoy attending.
  2. Eat a healthy diet filled with omega 3 fatty acids that are both a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant. This can include foods like flaxseeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, chia seeds, and salmon to boost your mood.
  3. Get enough sleep. We need to ensure that we allow or body to rest and recover so healthy sleep habits are vital to good health. Sleep deprivation can also negatively impact our hormones resulting in weight gain. To sleep better, avoid caffeine before bed and stop using your phone/computer/tablet two hours before bed.
  4. Ask for help when things get stressful. This can mean reaching out to close family and friends when you feel like you could use some extra support. You could also consider seeing a therapist for professional assistance.
  5. Take regular breaks at work and vacations. Working through lunch can be extremely detrimental to your health even if you think you are being more productive at the moment. Therefore, take the time to eat lunch to keep blood sugar levels stable. Also, be sure to take advantage of the holidays and have some fun.



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