What Are Terpenes and What Do They Do?

May 17, 2022CBD Oil and Terpenes, Feature

“What are terpenes?” is a common question that we hear people ask us. Even though this term has only recently become popular, you may have already interacted with these substances multiple times without even knowing it.

Let’s take a deep dive into the unknown world of terpenes to discover what they are and why we often see them mentioned in conjunction with cannabis plants and CBD oil.


So, What Are Terpenes?

Terpenes, also known as isoprenoids, are the chemicals responsible for the aroma perceived in many different plants. Although there are also some insects that produce terpenes, we are not going to discuss them as they mostly use their terpenes as a defense mechanism, and the health industry is not really using them for healing purposes.

Terpenoids is another term people like to use to refer to terpenes. However, they are not the same thing. While terpenes are the chemicals founds in plants in their natural forms, terpenoids result from the oxidation of terpenes after processing the plant, drying, and crystalizing it for extraction purposes. 


Are They Only Found in Cannabis?

Many plants have terpenes. Cannabis just has a huge variety of terpenes – up to 200 types! With such a high number, it’s no wonder cannabis terpenes are so popular with wellness-seekers and researchers!

Plants use terpenes to protect themselves against predators, plagues, and germs. Terpenes also serve a reproductive purpose as flowers use them to attract pollinators.

The most popular plants and their terpenes’ functions:

  • Lavender – Calming, reduces anxiety, wound healing
  • Peppermint – Relieves nausea and migraines, analgesic for muscular aches
  • Lemongrass – Cleansing, antiviral, insect repellant
  • Sage – Antispasmodic, anxiety and stress relief
  • Eucalyptus – Expectorant, decongestant, energetic
  • Lemon – Antimicrobial, antioxidant, uplifting

If you are into essential oils, these may sound familiar to you as they are also the most used in the practice of aromatherapy.


What Do Terpenes Do?

We already established that plants and some animals use terpenes for defense, communicational, and reproductive purposes. But, what are the actual medical and therapeutic benefits of terpenes for you?

The use of terpenes in humans finds its origin in alternative medicine. It has become more popular in recent years due to the trend of natural products and organic foods found in holistic lifestyles.

There are many different terpenes and they have a variety of effects on the human body, so we won’t be able to list them all. However, these are some of the most common terpenes:

  • Beta-Caryophyllene – Found in cannabis, cinnamon, and black pepper, this terpene is known for its calming and pain-relieving properties as it activates CB2 receptors.
  • Limonene – Found in cannabis and citrus rinds, this terpene is used for its energizing, uplifting, and cleansing properties.
  • Linalool – Found in cannabis, lavender, basil, and coriander, this terpene is perfect for stress relief and inducing sleep.
  • Alpha-Pinene – Found in cannabis, pine, and rosemary, this terpene is great for pain and inflammation relief and reducing anxiety.
  • Myrcene – Found in cannabis, mango, and lemongrass, this terpene has amazing calming properties.

Many studies have shown that terpenes are highly effective due to their antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-insect properties. However, other studies are still being conducted as numerous of the terpenes in plants have not been thoroughly researched, and the properties attributed to them have not been scientifically verified.


How Do Terpenes and CBD Oil Interact?

Adding terpenes to CBD oil is the easiest math problem you will ever face:

Benefit x Benefit = Benefits² = MAGNIFIED BENEFITS! You get an enhanced formula that ensures you get better results at solving a specific health issue. 

In other words, if you are taking CBD oil, you probably already know how great it is for stress and anxiety relief, pain and inflammation relief, improving your sleep quality, and helping you focus while keeping you calm. But, when you add a terpene that is great for pain relief to CBD oil, you are basically reinforcing the pain-relieving properties of CBD oil, thus obtaining a formula that is ten times better at targeting and helping you with your pain.

One could almost say CBD oil and terpenes are a match made in heaven!

Nature knows best – it’s no mistake that CBD and terpenes are so prevalent in cannabis plants. They work in synergy in the plant and in our bodies. 



Terpenes are the chemicals in their natural form inside plants, while terpenoids are the result of taking terpenes through an extraction process. Most of the terpenes known and used today are present in a variety of cannabis plants which is why people may think it’s the only source available in nature.

Adding terpenes to CBD oil enhances the already powerful properties of CBD, as well as the properties of the terpenes. It also adds a pleasant natural taste and smell!

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