CBD Oil for Depression – How Can It Help?

Nov 10, 2020CBD Oil For Stress & Anxiety

Given that October was mental health awareness month, we thought that we would cover the super important topic of depression. With the colder and darker weather starting to roll around, we can begin to feel a little down. 

Therefore, supporting our mental and emotional (and physical) well-being throughout the fall and winter months should definitely be a top priority for optimal health. CBD oil can also certainly be a helpful tool when you are feeling stuck.


What is Depression?

Feeling sad sometimes is completely natural and healthy. However, when sadness seems to hang around for longer than normal, it can turn into depression. 

Depression is a disorder that makes it really hard to get out of bed in the morning and do regular everyday tasks. It can also be detrimental to not only your mind but also your body.

If you find yourself struggling with depression, then we absolutely suggest reaching out to a professional for support. That being said, there are some holistic practices and self-care habits that can help to lighten the load a bit. One of these is CBD oil.

The Bottom Line: Depression is a type of mental health disorder that can greatly affect your daily life and should be taken seriously.


Where Does Depression Come From?

There is still a common belief that depression stems from a chemical imbalance in the brain or the lack of the neurotransmitters serotonin. However, this is only one piece of the puzzle. Depression has also been linked to other neurotransmitter imbalances as well.

In addition, mental health conditions can also be connected to inflammation and structural brain changes from trauma or chronic stress. There are a number of factors that can contribute to depression including genetics, physical illness, chronic stress, trauma, chronic pain, social isolation, and nutritional deficiencies.

With a number of different things that could be the main reasons for depression, we need to also take into account that the road to recovery will look very different for every single person. 

It has also been shown that those who tackle it from multiple angles are often more successful than those relying on only one solution. That is why we think that CBD oil can be a great complement to other efforts when it comes to depression.

The Bottom Line: Depression can be triggered by a number of different things. Coming out of depression looks different for everyone.


How Do We Treat Depression?

The current practice for treating depression is using SSRIs to boost serotonin levels. However, this can take weeks before there is any improvement. Also, these can be habit-forming and can come with unpleasant side effects as well.

Scientists have found that when people suffer from depression, a specific region of the brain can shrink. This is called the hippocampus and is responsible for memory, learning, and emotion. Luckily, this area of the brain can also regenerate through a process called neurogenesis.

New neurons, or brain cells, can grow and form new connections. Even still, our brains change throughout our lives which is an ability called neuroplasticity. This is something that was previously believed to be impossible.

Therefore, the reason that antidepressants work is that they promote neural regeneration in the hippocampus. It could also explain why it takes a long while for them to work since this process does not happen overnight. 

That being said, there are other lifestyle practices and supplements that can work to support this. One example is CBD oil.

The Bottom Line: The prescription medications that are currently being used to treat depression have a key role in regenerating brain cells within the hippocampus and CBD oil can possibly do the same.


How Does CBD Oil Work? 

CBD works throughout the entire body on a systemic level. More recently CBD is being used to treat epileptic seizures. The main reason that it works is since it protects the neurons in the hippocampus. This is also the exact region that shrinks in depressed and chronically anxious people.

Scientists believe that CBD can help regenerate the hippocampus in a few different ways that we will discuss further below.

Firstly, endocannabinoids like CBD are used throughout the body and brain to help regulate memory, appetite, inflammation, and more. CBD can help increase levels of anandamide in the brain which stimulates neuron growth in the hippocampus.

Secondly, there are some studies that show CBD can raise the levels of a particular protein that helps existing neurons survive and while also reducing depressive symptoms. However, this needs to be studied further.

Thirdly, CBD activates a specific type of serotonin receptor which controls other neurotransmitters. This is similar to the action of the anti-anxiety drug buspirone which means CBD could have the same effects.

Lastly, CBD binds to a particular receptor that sends a signal to start producing a number of anti-inflammatory compounds that work to protect neurons. It has also been discovered that this receptor also works to stimulate neurogenesis in the hippocampus.

Of course, there needs to be a significantly larger amount of human trials to prove that CBD oil is an effective option for depression. However, preliminary evidence is promising. We do know that endocannabinoids like CBD do have a key role to play in mental health though.

The Bottom Line: CBD has the potential to support the protection and regeneration of an important region of the brain that is affected in those with depression.


Other Healthy Habits for Depression

Of course, there are also plenty of healthy habits that can work to support optimal mental health throughout the year. These can be relatively simple and easy to implement as well with just a little bit of intention and very little to no cost. Here are a few for a quick reference point when you are feeling down:

  • Physical exercise (releases endorphins that can make you feel happy and lower pain)
  • Regular sleep schedule (can help you maintain stable energy levels throughout the day and balance your circadian rhythm)
  • Cuddling with a pet (releases the hormone oxytocin which makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside)
  • Talking to family and friends (social connection is vital in order to feel supported)
  • Working with a therapist (psychotherapy can really help to break your negative thought patterns and retrain your mind)
  • Sunlight exposure (critical for getting your dose of vitamin D that can boost your mood)
  • A healthy diet (focus on omega 3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation and support brain health in addition to managing blood sugar levels with sufficient protein consumption)
  • Avoid alcohol (it has been shown to shrink the hippocampus region as well)
  • Self-care practices (taking a bath, reading, journaling, meditating can make you feel more present and compassionate towards yourself)

The Bottom Line: The most effective way to tackle depression is to tackle it from multiple angles and create a healthy routine.


The Final Word

CBD oil can be a wonderful complement to a number of other efforts to combat depression. It is certainly not the first line of defense but can be used in combination with antidepressants and other practices for better results.

CBD oil is a safe, natural, and effective solution that can help people begin to feel normal again. Of course, it takes time and patience to overcome depression and rewire your brain. CBD oil is just one extra tool that you can add to your routine.

If you are in the middle of a crisis or contemplating suicide, we urge you to call a hotline or get professional support. In addition, talk to your doctor before incorporating CBD oil into your health regimen if you are on prescription medications for possible interactions.


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