CBD Oil for Your Period

Feb 2, 2021CBD Oil For Pain, CBD Oil For Women

cbd oil for period

Alright ladies, listen up! If you are someone who is constantly suffering through your monthly flow and dreading your period then look no further. We are covering the topic of CBD oil for your period and spilling all the beans because we have totally been there! 

Today we are diving deep to enlighten you on the wonders of CBD oil for your period. You can overcome those unpleasant and uncomfortable PMS symptoms naturally. Seriously, CBD can make a huge difference and is going to be your new bestie.


How Can CBD Help During Your Period? 

CBD oil for your period can be an amazing tool to help bring your hormones back into balance. This in turn helps things run a whole lot smoother. It does this by acting on the endocannabinoid system that is responsible for mood, anxiety, sleep, energy, pain, inflammation, focus, appetite, sex drive, etc.

In a nutshell, CBD is the active component from the cannabis plant. It binds with the specific receptors which are located throughout your entire body. This is how CBD can have such a widespread effect with a number of health benefits.

CBD is also both an analgesic (painkiller) and anti-inflammatory that can help to combat any symptoms quickly. Therefore, instead of reaching for an Advil, you can choose a natural solution that actually works.

We also know that inflammation throughout the system is one of the main culprits for throwing things out of whack in your body. It can also be the reason that you are experiencing pain and other uncomfortable PMS symptoms.

The good news is that not only does CBD work on the entire system, but it can also help with symptoms right when you need it. This is awesome because around that time of the month we could certainly use some extra help!

You can use CBD either internally or externally, for reducing cramps, boosting your mood, improving energy levels, controlling cravings, helping you focus when you feel scattered, managing anxiety when you feel on edge, and more.

In addition to these symptoms, CBD oil works to balance your hormones with consistent use. This means that as you go through more and more cycles, you will feel better and better before each period begins.

The Bottom Line: CBD oil works from the inside out to naturally and effectively balance your hormones and reduce any uncomfortable symptoms linked with PMS.


How To Use CBD Oil Throughout Your Cycle

Like we mentioned in the previous section, to get the best results with CBD you need to use it consistently. For this reason, taking CBD oil internally is going to be the main way to go. However, we also love using topical CBD products for extra relief which we discuss further below.

The first thing that we suggest is getting started with a CBD oil that has a good concentration. This will allow you to feel the effects sooner rather than later and you can also take less. We like using either THEIA or APHRODITE for this exact purpose.

For balancing hormones, we typically recommend starting with 5-10 drops held under the tongue for roughly 2 minutes. This will ensure optimal absorption. You can certainly do this multiple times a day as well. We would give it one cycle before adjusting your dose though.

For dealing with symptoms in the moment like painful cramps, we suggest taking 15-25 drops right when you need it. If 30 minutes pass and you still do not feel the desired results, you can simply take another dose.

CBD has a really subtle effect so you will not necessarily feel it working, unless you are taking it for pain. Behind the scenes though, it will definitely be working to lower any inflammation in the body and regulating hormones. These are the main reasons for unpleasant PMS symptoms around your period.

In addition, you can also use CBD as a topical product for particular symptoms like cramps, low back pain, neck tension, headaches, etc. Simply rub our Nano CBD Roller on the affected area and you will feel the difference almost instantly.

We love this option in addition to taking CBD oil under the tongue as it really gives that extra boost when that time the month rolls around. Nano CBD also absorbs much faster through the skin for quick action. No need to suffer when you have these tools!

The Bottom Line: CBD can be used both internally and externally throughout the month to manage any unpleasant PMS symptoms. It works best with consistent use.


Other Tips to Feel More Comfortable During Your Period

Of course, living a healthy lifestyle will also help to proactively reduce any signs of PMS by improving your general well-being. This can include a number of different things before and throughout your period including:


  • Doing regular physical exercise throughout the month can work to fight off painful cramps during your period.
  • Implementing a regular meditation routine can help to manage stress and anxiety around menstruation.
  • Being gentle with yourself and take some extra time for rest and relaxation the week before your period.
  • Using a warm compress on your abdomen or taking a bath can help when cramps are dragging you down (check out our CBD bath bombs!).
  • Wearing period underwear can help you feel fresh, dry, and comfortable during your period even without using a tampon or pad. (we love this brand!)

Diet and Supplements:

  • Eating a healthy diet consisting of whole foods and can help to reduce inflammation and bloating before and during menstruation.
  • Consuming less sugar, sodium, and processed foods can also help to limit breakouts and mood swings when PMS rolls around.
  • Adding in some Omega 3 supplements like evening primrose oil can also work to reduce inflammation which can further assist with cramps.
  • Taking Magnesium can also work to reduce muscle tension and cramping in addition to helping you manage stress and sleep better.

The key is to work with your natural cycle and not against it. Your energy levels and emotions are going to be different throughout each phase. Getting in tune with this can be very useful for planning out your monthly schedule of activities. 

This book is also a great resource for learning more about getting into the flow. Putting yourself first by honouring your body and giving it what it needs will do wonders. This truly is the highest form of self-care!

The Bottom Line: There are a number of lifestyle and dietary practices in addition to CBD oil that can help make menstruation a better experience in a healthy way.


The Final Word

CBD oil for your period can be an incredibly safe, natural, and effective supplement that works with your body to bring it back into balance. It not only acts on modulating hormones but also on lowering inflammation and pain. It also does so without any nasty side effects.

Therefore, CBD oil for your period is a great option for both short-term and long-term, in addition to internal and external use. It helps with symptoms before and during your period while working to bring harmony into your body throughout the rest of the month.

Don’t forget to check out our BRAND NEW and EXCLUSIVE ultimate period kit. It comes with 2 pairs of Onestwear period panties, our amazing Nano CBD Roller, and our popular CBD Bath Bomb. Take the pressure off your period.


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