When to Use Topical CBD Products – Do They Work?

Aug 13, 2020CBD Oil For Beginners, CBD Oil For Pain, CBD oil Health Benefits

topical cbd products

We talk a lot about CBD oils that are supposed to be taken internally. But what about topical CBD products that are meant to be used externally?

Well, there is definitely a time and place for both. We are super excited to announce the launch of our brand new topical CBD line (in Canada only) to support your health needs!

So the question now becomes, when do you use what product? Are topical products as effective as those that are consumed orally? 

Of course, these answers will depend on a few things. Most importantly, you want to ensure that you are buying from a reputable brand that you can trust.

We break down exactly when is the right moment to use a topical product over a CBD oil. That being said, there are a lot of situations in which you will want to use both for better results!


Taking CBD Oil Internally

Up until this point at ICARIA, we have consistently emphasized the importance of taking CBD oil internally for maximum results. 

The reason for this is that CBD works to bring the body back into balance on a systemic level. Therefore you are looking at the whole picture and working on any underlying imbalances. Not just focusing on one isolated part of your body.

Oftentimes, clients will experience the best effects from taking CBD oil internally. The amount that is absorbed by the body will be much higher and it goes directly into your bloodstream.

However, there are a number of situations in which taking CBD oil can be complemented by also using a topical CBD product, which we will discuss further below.

The Bottom Line: Taking CBD oil internally is the first line of defense for most systemic health issues and allows for better results long-term.


Using CBD Oil Externally

CBD oil products taken internally are a great option for those who are looking for profound and lasting changes in their health. However, topical CBD products can be a great option too.

This is because there are times when you want something that is going to be faster acting for almost instant relief. This is where topical products can come in as an effective solution for the short-term.

While they will not take care of any underlying issues on a systemic level (like hormonal imbalances or systemic inflammation), they can certainly target any localized pain and inflammation.  

Topical CBD products can definitely help you feel much better in a matter of minutes. When applied to the affected area they are rapidly absorbed into the skin so you can get on with your day like normal.

The Bottom Line: Topical CBD products can make you feel more comfortable in the moment as they work in a more localized area faster.


Topical CBD Products for Pain Relief

One of the main reasons that you would want to use a topical CBD product would be for body aches and pains or any musculoskeletal complaints. 

If you are dealing with any inflammatory conditions like arthritis or back pain, using CBD oil both internally and externally will be really helpful. Applying our Muscle and Joint Stick topically can work to decrease the pain of sore joints and muscles for quick relief.

Topical CBD will also do much more than just get rid of any unpleasant symptoms. It also works to reduce inflammation at the source and can even help with menstrual cramps!

Another great use of topical CBD would be for any acute injuries like muscle sprains. You can simply rub the Muscle and Joint Stick on the affected area for a cooling and soothing effect. 

The Bottom Line: Use the Muscle and Joint Stick for conditions such as arthritis or injuries. Topical CBD is a wonderful complement to ingesting CBD oil as both work on reducing inflammation and pain.


Topical CBD Products for Relaxation

We talk a lot about consuming CBD oil for managing anxiety and stress throughout the day. However, these things can also result in physical manifestations like tension in the body.

This can become a vicious cycle because the more stressed you get, the more tension and headaches you will experience. The more physical tension you experience, the more of a toll this can take on your mental and emotional well-being.

Therefore, using CBD oil for relaxation is one of our preferred ways of implementing conscious self-care. You can do this by using the Nano CBD Roller on your neck and temples for instant stress and headache relief. 

If you want to take it a step further, you can take a bath and use our popular CBD Bath Bomb that comes with a refreshing blend of essential oils.

The Bottom Line: The Nano CBD Roller is an amazing tool for stress and headache relief in a pinch. Topical CBD is a great addition to your CBD oil routine by working on any physical tension in the body.


Topical CBD Products for Skin Care

Perhaps one of the best ways to use topical CBD is on the face for any skin concerns like redness, dryness, sensitivity, scarring, aging, and blemishes.

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD make it an obvious choice for a number of conditions that involve irritation of the skin in any way. Things like psoriasis and eczema would be great examples of this. This is another situation in which consuming CBD oil would also be useful.

Topical CBD is also increasingly being used for anti-aging as CBD itself is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles. When you combine it with hyaluronic acid for added hydration, like in our Nano CBD Face Serum, then you have a winning formula!

The benefits of Topical CBD can even extend to other more common skin issues like excess oiliness and acne. CBD works to regulate oil production which can help reduce acne as well.

The Bottom Line: The Nano CBD Face Serum is a great option for those looking for a product that can do everything at once. Topical CBD can target acne, oiliness, redness, irritation, and even signs of aging.


The Final Word

Topical CBD products are certainly a great addition to any skincare routine or existing CBD oil regimen. These products work in conjunction with CBD that is orally ingested.

The benefits of topical CBD products are that they work quickly on the specific affected area. They offer rapid relief of symptoms for increased comfort in the short-term.

However, unlike CBD oil, they will not necessarily work on systemic issues. They cannot work on a deep enough level to solve the root of the problem in the long-term.

Therefore, in most cases, using CBD both internally and externally will be the best option for achieving maximum results.


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