CBD Oil for Migraines: Say Goodbye to Your Pain

Sep 15, 2020CBD Oil For Pain

Headaches and migraines can be debilitating, not to mention they can totally ruin your day. Most people who experience them cannot function properly once they strike.

Luckily, CBD oil can be an incredibly helpful tool when it comes to dealing with both migraines and regular headaches. It can help get you back up and running quickly so that you can continue normally with your day.

What are Migraines?

Migraines are much more serious than just a bad headache. People who get them tend to feel an intense throbbing pain that keeps coming back and is often on one side of the head. However, in one-third of cases, it can be on both sides.

In a typical American household, roughly 1 in 4 people will experience migraines and 12% of the general population will suffer from them. In addition, migraines are the 6th most disabling illness in the world and a leading reason for emergency room visits.

People can also experience a whole host of other unpleasant neurological symptoms including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sound, touch, or smell, dizziness, vision disturbances, and tingling of the extremities or face. Sometimes these symptoms can even be present without any head pain.

A regular headache is a much less frequent occurrence and is often nothing to worry about. They are often triggered by stress, allergies, or even dehydration. However, those who get migraines seem to get them on a more chronic and daily basis. They can also last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours per episode.

Therefore, migraines can be a massive problem since 90% of those who suffer from them are unable to work or function when they are experiencing one. In addition, depression, anxiety, and sleep problems are common factors for those dealing with chronic migraines.

Unfortunately, migraines also tend to affect women much more than men with 85% of chronic migraines happening in women. Sometimes this condition can also be affected by fluctuations in hormone levels. One example is estrogen which can increase the severity and frequency of them.

The Bottom Line: Headaches and migraines are very different from each other. Migraines are a much more serious medical condition with a whole host of unpleasant symptoms.


How Does CBD Oil Work?

In a nutshell, CBD works by bringing the endocannabinoid system back into balance. It binds to the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors that are located throughout the entire central and peripheral nervous system. 

As a result, CBD can have incredibly wide-ranging effects. This includes, but is not limited to, managing pain and inflammation, balancing hormones, regulating mood and appetite, controlling stress and anxiety, governing alertness and sleepiness, etc.

As it relates to pain, CBD possibly prevents the body from metabolizing the chemical anandamide which is connected to pain regulation. Maintaining high levels of anandamide in the blood can produce an analgesic effect by sending a signal to your brain.

In addition to a numbing effect, CBD works to prevent inflammation on a systemic level which can further help to lower pain. It can also prevent immune system reactions that could be linked to the frequent occurrence of headaches and migraines.

The Bottom Line: CBD is a powerful tool for helping to lower pain and inflammation which are linked to both headaches and migraines.


Using CBD Oil for Migraines and Headaches

CBD oil can be used to manage the underlying reason for headaches and migraines in addition to the symptoms. You can take CBD oil as needed throughout the day to help manage and prevent pain, inflammation, and neurological symptoms. 

If you are a chronic sufferer of migraines and headaches, then you will also want to incorporate CBD oil into your daily routine. This will work to naturally bring your body back into balance over time. This will also enable it to stay in your system for longer and work on any underlying health issues that can be contributing to the problem.

Simply taking a few drops of CBD under the tongue morning and evening can do wonders for your well-being. That way you can get back to doing the things that matter most.

We are big advocates of taking CBD oil internally for a broader effect on the body as a whole. That being said, we also believe in the benefits of applying CBD externally and topically. 

For this, we like to use our Nano CBD Roller on the temples and back of the neck where any tension is found. The soothing and cooling effect will have you feeling better almost instantly.

These options are both preferable to over-the-counter pain medications or even prescription drugs that can make you drowsy or have other more serious side effects. However, if you are currently taking any medications we do suggest consulting with your doctor.

At ICARIA, our CBD products do not contain any THC so you can safely take them whenever you need whether you are at work, driving, or around kids, since they will not get you high. We do suggest starting slowly to find the correct dose.

The Bottom Line: You can take CBD oil both internally under the tongue and externally with a topical product for maximum results.


The Final Word

Headaches and migraines can be extremely frustrating to deal with on a regular basis. They greatly impact your daily life and interrupt your schedule.

The good news is that CBD oil is a natural, safe, and effective solution. It can work to not only lower any uncomfortable symptoms but also to influence the root reason for them. It also boosts your general health and well-being.

CBD works as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory to quickly target and prevent headaches and migraines. Therefore, you can get on with your day.

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