Burnout is becoming an epidemic in the workplace and an increasingly common occurrence for busy professional women. In our crazy society that glorifies a packed schedule and constantly being on top...
CBD Oil For Stress & Anxiety
Why CBD Oil Makes the Perfect Holiday Gift for the Busy Woman
Who really isn’t busy in this day and age? Every woman we know could use some extra help. This can include your mom, your grandmother, your crazy aunt, your best friend, your boss, your co-worker,...
CBD and Chocolate: More Similar Than You Think!
With Halloween just around the corner, we know that a good chunk of you will be indulging in some, or a lot of chocolate. And why not! Pure chocolate can even be good for you, just watch out for the...
Can CBD Oil Give You More Energy Throughout the Day?
In our busy society, most of us could use a little extra energy boost throughout the day. A lot of people reach for caffeine, sugar, and a number of other stimulants to keep them going. However,...
CBD Oil for Back to School – 3 Ways to Get the Most Benefits
With the summer slowly coming to a close, we know that most of you are now getting ready for the back to school season. Whether this means you are going back to university, back to work following...
CBD and Yoga – Can CBD Boost Your Practice?
How mixing CBD and yoga helps you de-stress and get back in touch with you... How often have you gone to a yoga class and become frustrated by your inability to shut off your brain and ‘let go’? It...
Does CBD Oil Help With Sleep?
Does CBD Oil Help With Sleep? A lot of us struggle with getting enough sleep or we get up in the morning still feeling tired. 35% of Americans do not get the suggested 7 hours per night. Roughly 20%...
Can CBD Oil Help with Anxiety?
Can CBD Oil Help with Anxiety? Anxiety is such a hot topic these days and it seems that more or less everyone struggles with it in our stressed-out society. In terms of mental illness, anxiety is...
Daily Essential | THC-Free
CBD oil for anxiety and stress relief.
Daily Essential | Full-Spectrum
CBD oil for pain relief & better sleep.
Pain Relief Stick
CBD pomade for sore joints and muscles.
Deep Sleep CBD Oil
Specialized CBD + CBN oil formula for sleep disorders.