Can CBD Improve Heart Health and Lower Cholesterol?

Sep 26, 2019CBD oil Health Benefits

cbd for heart health

Heart disease is the main reason for death in women over the age of 35. This makes it a very important topic to cover when it comes to health. There can be many different underlying reasons for cardiovascular diseases. CBD oil can be a great complement to treatments by further helping to promote a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. CBD can help to improve heart health through a few mechanisms mentioned further below.

Heart Disease

Heart disease can be a silent killer. A significant number of women do not experience any symptoms. Many are not being diagnosed until an emergency situation. However, some will experience angina (dull and heavy or sharp chest pain or discomfort), pain in the neck, jaw, or throat, and pain in the upper abdomen or back. These symptoms can occur when you are resting or doing daily activities. Some other symptoms can also include nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

There are a few main risk factors for developing heart disease, including high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, and diabetes. In addition, several other conditions and lifestyle choices can put people at a higher risk, including smoking, obesity, eating a diet high in sugar and trans fats, physical inactivity, drinking excessive alcohol, and a high-stress lifestyle.

CBD and Cholesterol

Most of us are familiar with the issue of high cholesterol. Cholesterol is a fatty lipid molecule that can be found in every cell of the body. The two most commonly known types are low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). These are slightly different in structure with HDL considered to be the good type, while LDL is considered the bad type. However, they are both necessary for proper body function.

CBD has been shown in one study to affect genes in the metabolism that manage the levels of cholesterol on certain cells. By doing this, CBD could possibly help prevent high levels of LDL cholesterol, which in turn could prevent certain heart conditions like coronary heart disease or atherosclerosis.

CBD and Inflammation

Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disorder involving the progressive depositing of plaque and fatty substances on the inner walls of the arteries. This condition is linked to diet and lifestyle and can result in heart disease or stroke. However, there is evidence to suggest that CBD can help. 

It has been shown that inflammatory molecules stimulate the cycle resulting in atherosclerotic lesions. CBD is known to activate the receptors that allow for a significant decrease in inflammation which can slow the progression of atherosclerosis. In addition, CBD has been shown to offer a cardio-protective effect through heart attacks, from one animal study.

CBD and Blood Pressure

One more contributing factor to heart disease would be high blood pressure which is further affected by stress. Specifically, high blood pressure can result in ischemic heart disease where the heart muscle does not get enough blood. This condition often comes from hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis. High-stress levels contribute to high blood pressure and can damage the narrow arteries over time. In addition, stress contributes to inflammation within the body which can also worsen heart disease even more. The good news is that we know CBD can definitely help with reducing stress, thus indirectly helping prevent heart disease in the long run.

So, Can CBD Oil Improve Heart Health?

By minimizing inflammation, bad cholesterol levels, and stress, CBD can definitely pack a powerful punch when it comes to improving heart health. Inflammation and stress are at the root of most chronic health conditions, and cardiovascular health is no different. Therefore, CBD can improve heart health and help support diet and lifestyle modifications in order to help prevent heart disease.

Curious to try out CBD oil? ICARIA’s flagship Aphrodite product could be a great starting point for you. This oil comes with a pleasant and nutty hemp taste that a lot of our customers really enjoy. The larger bottle size also makes it great for regular use and convenient to implement into your daily routine in order to help prevent heart disease. 

Preventing Heart Disease with Diet and Lifestyle – Tips From a Nutritionist

There are a number of diet and lifestyle habits that can help you improve your heart health. Being nutritionists at ICARIA, we certainly understand the importance of looking at health from a holistic perspective. We also acknowledge that CBD oil is not a quick fix. We need to be an active participant in our own health by implementing diet and lifestyle modifications for our own benefit.

To begin with lifestyle habits, lowering stress is going to be critical. It helps with regulating blood pressure and preventing it from getting too high. You can do this either by meditating or going for a walk. Physical activity can greatly help with stress reduction and can also assist in maintaining a healthy body weight which is also linked to heart disease. Also, quitting smoking and drinking can positively impact your health.

In terms of diet, focus on including more fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants which can prevent inflammation contributing to heart disease. Eating foods that are high in fibre like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, can help bring cholesterol level to balance. Fibre helps your body get rid of excess cholesterol and toxins by binding to them for excretion. In addition, maintaining a healthy weight and balanced blood sugar levels will be the key to preventing heart disease. This means less sugar and processed carbohydrates like bread, sweets, pasta, etc. 

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