CBD Oil For The Paleo and Keto Diets

Jun 6, 2019CBD oil Health Benefits


CBD Oil For The Paleo and Keto Diets

We are sure that you have been bombarded by the latest trends in the wellness world and so you would probably be familiar with the Keto and Paleo diets. Just one scroll through Instagram and photos of the newest Keto or Paleo recipe come up and for good reason!

We will be outlining the key benefits of CBD oil for the Paleo and Keto diets below. We also break down exactly how CBD can support each one. In a previous blog post, we also briefly explained the different types of diets and here we are going in deeper on these two.

CBD oil for the Keto diet?

Keto, in a nutshell, is eating a diet that is very low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fat. The main objective of keto is to get your body into a state of ketosis so that it starts to burn fat for energy, thus also contributing to weight loss, hormone balancing, managing blood sugar levels, and better mental focus by producing ketones. When carbohydrates, which turn into sugar, are present then the body will burn them for energy. So in order to stay in ketosis the diet should be very low in carbohydrates.

Even though the keto diet does not emphasize which exact food groups to eat, we do suggest focusing on consuming lots of vegetables, first and foremost. This would include those that are lower on the glycemic index and lower carbohydrate options. You will also want to really focusing on the sources of fat and protein, picking grass-fed over grain-fed choices.

This diet is great for those struggling with hormonal imbalances, lowers inflammation, reduces acne, promotes heart health, maximizes athletic recovery, boosts mental clarity, improves energy levels, minimizes cravings, controls blood sugar levels, manages chronic health conditions, and increases fat burning. You will also see in just a moment that CBD oil contributes to the majority of the previously mentioned benefits.

CBD oil for Paleo diet?

Paleo is similar to keto, but with more restrictions on food group types and less focus on carbohydrates with a higher focus on protein consumption. This diet comes from our ancestors since they were believed to be hunter-gatherers, eating a diet of mostly vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, and animals. This means paleo excludes agricultural products like dairy or grains. The belief is that humans didn’t evolve eating these foods thus they can’t tolerate them well.

With the paleo diet, there is a major emphasis on eating lots of vegetables and good sources of protein from animal products. The benefits of this diet are quite similar to the keto diet, which is why we are discussing them together. This includes balanced energy levels, clearer skin, better heart health, fewer food sensitivities, maximizes gut health, faster athletic recovery, stable blood sugar levels, lowers inflammation, manages chronic health conditions, improved sleep patterns, and increases fat burning. Again, you will soon see just where CBD oil fits in by helping to support these exact same health conditions.

So how can you use CBD oil for the Paleo and Keto diets?

What both of these diets have in common is that they are both used to support health in a number of different ways by balancing hormones, avoiding blood sugar spikes and crashes from carbohydrates, and lowering inflammation in the body, to name a few. In addition, you could also enjoy some added benefits like weight loss, better sleep, clearer skin, and more energy.

The interesting thing is that CBD has the exact same effects that both of these diets are trying to achieve with the long list of health benefits we mentioned before. For example, CBD also greatly helps support the following:

We have also written other blog posts on these topics which you can check out too!

These are just the tip of the iceberg too. In addition to these benefits, there will be other effects like a major one being relief from the anxiety that a lot of people struggle with. A lot of the time, anxiety is a product of compromised digestion from eating foods like grains and dairy that damage the gut. Using CBD oil for the Paleo and Keto diets, which take these things into account, can successfully help to combat anxiety too.

One last thing is that CBD oil will even help you to stick to your Keto or Paleo regimen since it helps to balance out the hormones responsible for hunger and satiety signals. This means that it can effectively control appetite and cravings when you are just getting started on a new routine and help you stick to it more effectively. The calming and relaxing effects that CBD oil offers will also help to cut down on emotional eating which is a major issue for a lot of us.

The verdict?

CBD works really well with a variety of diets, but particularly Paleo and Keto since it provides many of the same health benefits that these diets offer. It can further help to boost the results of following these diets and successfully stick to them so that you can progress and feel better faster. That makes CBD oil a great addition to your daily routine!

We suggest ICARIA’s Theia Double Strength to support your dietary choice. We love this product since it comes in a larger bottle size offering better value for consistent daily use. It also comes with no taste for a pure experience.

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