Can CBD Oil Give You More Energy Throughout the Day?

Sep 17, 2019CBD Oil For Stress & Anxiety, CBD Oil For Women, CBD oil Health Benefits

cbd oil for energy

In our busy society, most of us could use a little extra energy boost throughout the day. A lot of people reach for caffeine, sugar, and a number of other stimulants to keep them going. However, they then end up paying the price later. The good news is that CBD oil can give you more energy both safely and effectively. This is done without any nasty crashes, side effects, or further depleting our body.

There are a number of mechanisms by which CBD works in the body to boost energy throughout the day. While you can’t expect to get a quick jolt like you would from drinking a cup of coffee, CBD works on a more subtle level. This allows for steady and sustained energy over a longer period of time. A few of the reasons CBD does this would be by helping with stress reduction, blood sugar regulation, and increased concentration.

Stress Reduction

The main reasons that CBD oil can give you more energy both over the short-term and the long-term is that it helps lower stress levels in the present which can further help to prevent burnout. By decreasing stress quickly when needed, we can certainly experience higher energy levels. This means we are not scattering our focus in a number of different directions. However, if our stress levels are left unchecked for a longer period of time, this results in much more dramatic health effects and depletion within the body called burnout.

Once someone gets into the state of burnout it can be very difficult to get out of it. Therefore, prevention really becomes the key to stress management. Burnout can contribute to a number of devastating effects on the body. One of the biggest symptoms becomes low energy since the body simply cannot produce cortisol in sufficient amounts. 

Cortisol is the hormone that is responsible for wakefulness. It should be highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. When someone enters burnout, also called adrenal fatigue, the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys become exhausted. They can no longer keep up with cortisol production since they become depleted. This occurs from constantly pumping out cortisol in response to constant stressors in the environment.

Luckily, CBD works on the hormone cortisol and can help to promote a sense of relaxation. While in the short-term this is great, in the long-term this becomes even more important. By minimizing stress on the body as much as possible now, we can avoid reaching burnout in the future. This is critical to maintaining consistent energy levels.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Another major contributing factor to low energy or experiencing that afternoon crash would be unstable blood sugar levels. This happens when we eat something high in refined sugars and we often notice the effects rather quickly. While, at first, we get a quick energy boost as insulin levels rise, shortly after this turns into an energy crash. We are left feeling even worse than before.

Interestingly enough, CBD has also been shown to work on the hormones insulin (lowers blood sugar) and glucagon (raises blood sugar) which are responsible for blood sugar regulation. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are believed to improve the metabolism since chronic inflammation contributes to insulin resistance, thus stabilizing blood sugar levels over the long-term.

Increased Productivity

While energy and productivity are not quite the same, CBD oil can definitely help you get into the zone. This applies even if you are not feeling super high energy. A lot of people struggle with focus, just as much as they struggle with energy, so this can really help to boost what you can get done in the day by improving concentration.

In addition to acting on different hormones within the body, CBD also works on some neurotransmitters in the brain. Most notably serotonin is affected by CBD, which is great for boosting mood. However, CBD has also been shown to boost brain function in certain regions of the brain that are linked with processing speed, attention, and cognitive ability. Even further to this, CBD has also been shown to possess neuroprotective abilities. It works by stimulating neurogenesis in particular sections of the brain, meaning that damaged neurons become replaced by new healthy ones. Therefore, there is great possibility for CBD oil boost cognitive function.

The Verdict

CBD oil can give you more energy by promoting a sense of relaxation within the body in the short-term. It also works through a number of different mechanisms in the body for the long-term. In most situations, prevention is key when it comes to health, and CBD oil assist us with just that and more. By helping to balance out different hormones, neurotransmitters, and systems, CBD can be the answer to giving you more steady and sustained energy. To get the most benefits, you will need to use CBD oil consistently over time.

Ready to try out CBD oil for yourself? We suggest getting started with ICARIA’s most popular THEIA product. This oil comes with zero taste making it great for consistent use over a longer period of time and easy to implement into your daily routine for maximum results.

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