CBD Oil for Digestion – A Potent Combination

Apr 26, 2019CBD oil Health Benefits


CBD Oil for Digestion – A Potent Combination

One of the most common health complaints are problems with digestion.

Digestion is so important since it is the foundation of health. It closely connects with a number of other systems in the body. This includes the nervous system, known as the second brain, and the immune system. Today we will be discussing how you can use CBD oil for digestion.

This means that when our digestion suffers we are more likely to experience a negative mood and vice versa. The balance of neurotransmitters is also very much affected by our gut health. The majority of them are produced in the gut.

Common digestive problems…

Some common digestive complaints can include more general issues like persistent heartburn and bloating. Moving down the line would be IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is a blanket term for a collection of unpredictable bowel habits. Then the more serious Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or IBD, including Crohn’s and Colitis which can result in malnutrition and hospitalization. These diseases are characterized by diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and constipation.

Any kind of digestive problems can be a sign of something going wrong down the chain. This is reason enough to work on your gut health before things get worse, as they often do. The common saying that we are what we eat is not entirely true. We are what we eat, absorb, and assimilate. If we are not breaking down and absorbing the nutrients from our food into our cells then we can run into problems like nutritional deficiencies.

It is also important to take into account possible food allergies and intolerances. If we eat foods that we are sensitive to then this will result in further damage to our digestive system. This can also promote something called leaky gut syndrome or an increased gut permeability, which then results in an immune reaction.

This immune response can also further promote inflammation in the body and damage to the intestinal lining which then contributes to the problem. This is where we can start to get into autoimmune conditions where the body begins to fight itself. These illnesses are very difficult to reverse once they develop.

One thing that each of these illnesses share is that both inflammation and stress play a huge role. Different parts of the digestive system become inflamed in response to a trigger and stress is a very obvious one for most people.

How can CBD oil help with digestion?

The two main functions of CBD are to reduce inflammation and manage stress, and both of these functions are key in healing digestion.

Also, our internal endocannabinoid system plays an important role in the regulation of different digestive processes including salivation, appetite, satiety, and hunger. Cannabinoid receptors are distributed throughout our digestive system and regions of the brain.

CBD also activates the receptors in the intestines to reduce gastric motility, the speed at which matter moves through the intestine. This can assist in easing cramps and promoting regulation of bowel movements. This can also help prevent diarrhea, vomiting and soothe nausea. This is great for conditions like IBS and IBD mentioned earlier.

Even more promising, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic, or pain killing properties of CBD can help IBD patients reduce the needs for drugs and surgery. It is suspected that both IBS and IBD could be a result of a clinical deficiency of the endocannabinoid system where the body does not produce enough.

Lastly, stress is a huge contributor to digestive inflammation and illnesses such as IBS. By simply managing the stress hormone cortisol, CBD allows our digestion to heal.

The best way to use CBD…

In order to help with digestive conditions, you will need to take CBD on a more frequent and consistent basis to help control inflammation over a longer period of time. When it comes to CBD oil for digestion, it can allow you to get relief pretty quickly thus creating more ease and less stress in your life, further contributing to healthier digestion.

We suggest ICARIA’s Theia Double Strength for healing digestion since this product features no flavour and a higher dosage that can help promote healing at a faster rate.

Working on digestion takes time so be patient and consistent. Take into a consideration seeing a naturopath or a nutritionist. At the end of the day, what you eat affects your digestion the most.

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