CBD Oil and Neurodegenerative Diseases – What You Need to Know

Mar 16, 2021CBD oil Health Benefits

cbd oil

Today, mental health is a big concern, which has created a large demand for wellness products like CBD oil. Scientists are catching up to study the effects and benefits of CBD oil for neurodegenerative diseases. 


What are neurodegenerative diseases?

Neurodegenerative diseases are conditions which primarily affect the neurons in the brain. Neurons are an essential part of our nervous system and include the brain and spinal cord. Our body doesn’t naturally reproduce or replace neurons, so permanently damaged neurons result in debilitating conditions like dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, Motor neurone disease, and Spinal muscular atrophy. 

Neurodegenerative diseases are marked by dying nerve cells and progressive degeneration. Symptoms include forgetfulness, memory loss, apathy, anxiety, irritability, mood changes, and loss of inhibition. Symptoms worsen as the disease progresses and new symptoms may develop over time. While there are no cures for neurodegenerative diseases, treatment of symptoms with medication can help to maintain the patient’s quality of life.

The Bottom Line: Neurodegenerative diseases involve damage and degeneration of neurons, resulting in debilitating conditions like dementia. While there are no cures, medication can help to relieve the symptoms of these conditions.



Can CBD oil help with neurodegenerative diseases?

We don’t know much about the mechanisms behind CBD’s ability to slow the progression of neurodegenerative disorders. The interaction between CBD and the nervous system is complex and involves multiple processes happening in the body simultaneously. However, clinical studies have rendered CBD a promising therapeutic tool to treat neurodegenerative disorders because of its safety and tolerability. 

The science of medical cannabis involves the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which maintains homeostasis in the body and protects it against poor lifestyle, environmental toxins, and other harmful stressors. The risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases is greater when the ECS fails.

CBD seems to support homeostasis of the nervous system and the balance of factors involved with neurological function: nerve excitability, immune function, inflammation, and pain transmission, which can prevent or reduce the progression of neurodegenerative disorders.

CBD contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Inflammation of neurons is a common symptom among neurodegenerative diseases, and CBD is believed to counteract the degeneration of neuron and nerve cells in the brain.

A pilot study at Geneva University Hospital in 2019 demonstrated cannabis extracts found improvements in symptoms of severe dementia in 10 patients with rigidity and behavioural problems. For two months, a 2:1 CBD and THC oil extract was infused into cake to make it more palatable for ten senior patients with severe dementia across three meals a day.

A review published in 2020 described evidence to prove the therapeutic efficacy of CBD in patients affected by neurodegenerative disorders, primarily Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. 

CBD may protect the brain and its neurons by reducing brain inflammation, relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression, taming muscle tremors, improving muscle control, and promoting the recovery of damaged neurons.

The Bottom Line: Although we are still early in the scientific study on CBD and neurodegenerative conditions, research shows promise in the ability for CBD to treat these disorders.


How can we use CBD oil proactively to prevent the risk of neurodegenerative diseases?

Since neurodegenerative disorders are a combination of many neurological and systemic issues working together, use of any cannabis products like CBD oil should also involve other treatments and improved lifestyle and diet.

Ensure the CBD oil you’re using is free from contaminants, such as heavy metals or pesticides. At ICARIA we test every batch of CBD to ensure the best quality end product. You also want to choose high potency full-spectrum CBD oil, and please consult your health care practitioner for the recommended dosage as it is very individual. 

If you are new to CBD, start low and increase the dosage. Everyone reacts differently, so be conservative and find the right dose to avoid unexpected negative side effects. It can take a few months before you experience any changes. Be consistent with your dosing and notice changes in symptoms over time. 

The Bottom Line: Because the research has not yet been proven scientifically, using CBD oil to treat neurodegenerative diseases should always involve your health team, the right dosage, and other improvements in lifestyle and diet.


The Final Word

Neurodegenerative diseases are debilitating conditions involving damaged neurons in the brain, with symptoms including dementia, apathy, anxiety, mood changes, and loss of inhibition.

Although medical cannabis studies are still in the early stages, CBD oil shows promise and may relieve symptoms of these disorders, mainly inflammation and degeneration of neurons and nerve cells. 

By working on inflammation and supporting the ECS on a systemic level, CBD oil could be a proactive solution and a complement to medications that offer little support in relieving symptoms. CBD is a safe, natural, and effective wellness tool, and could help people dealing with symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases to enjoy a better quality of life.


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