CBD Oil and Coffee: Key Similarities and Differences

Jun 6, 2019CBD Oil For Women

cbd and coffee

CBD Oil and Coffee: Key Similarities and Differences

CBD oil and coffee are both very similar yet very different at the same time with a few major distinctions. This is a particularly interesting topic that we are going to look into further today since most of us are very familiar with coffee, but less so with CBD.

Coffee is such a huge part of most of our lives and is so heavily ingrained into many of our lifestyles to the point that we cannot go without it on any given day. We think that you just might change your tune when you are finished reading this post!

The Key Similarities

1. CBD and coffee both make your day better

Let’s face it, coffee just makes your day better, and CBD oil can too! How many times do you jump out of bed in the morning looking forward to that first sip of heaven in a cup? Many of us say that we simply love the taste even without using it for the energy-boosting effects.

Well, the great news is that CBD oil can also become a part of your day that you look forward to. Why? Because you will love how you feel when you start taking it on a consistent basis. CBD has an amazing way of bringing our body back in balance.

2. You know when each of them is working

Also, with both coffee and CBD oil, you know when they are working for you. This means that you can start to feel the effects of each working within your body quite quickly following consumption. You will start to mentally feel different but in a really good way and we know that you know what we mean.

3. They are both great antioxidants

In addition, both coffee and CBD oil are powerful antioxidants that help fight free radical damage. Coffee is known to contain polyphenols and other antioxidants that even help boost metabolism, promote anti-ageing, and improve cognitive function.

CBD oil is known to pack a powerful punch and prevent many neurodegenerative diseases by combating oxidation and the deterioration of cells and tissues. The endocannabinoid system that CBD interacts with is responsible for cellular growth and encourages the body to heal itself through regular processes.

The Conclusion

Both coffee and CBD oil can become a key part of our daily routine and something that we begin to look forward to. They both provide us with pleasant energy-boosting effects and quickly become an enjoyable experience. They are also both great antioxidants providing some extra benefits that help keep us feeling young.

The Key Differences

1. Coffee makes you wired and CBD balances your energy out

Coffee is a stimulant that can help temporarily boost your energy or can even make you wired if you indulge a little bit too much. We think each of us has been there at least once! It is not a pleasant feeling when you get the jitters and can be very unproductive.

Meanwhile, CBD helps you balance your energy, meaning it serves to either help calm you down and reach the point of relaxation following a busy day or it boosts your energy and mental focus for better productivity throughout the day. It really works depending on what your personal needs are on any given day. If you need some extra rest, it will give you just that. If you need an extra boost, then it can also help.

2. Coffee promotes stress and inflammation while CBD helps with healing

Coffee can also negatively contribute to specific conditions like adrenal fatigue, particularly in those people that are very sensitive to caffeine. One cup of coffee a day is enough to spike cortisol levels to a possibly problematic point, even increasing inflammation in the body. This can result in you feeling even more stressed and contributing to further depletion if you keep relying on your morning cup to get you going.

By helping you unwind following a long day, CBD can help to provide a healing effect on the body by balancing out the different hormones within the body. It can also support the regeneration of the adrenal glands over a longer period of time by giving them a break from constantly producing cortisol.

3. Coffee is addictive and CBD is not

Coffee is addictive in the sense that we can build up a tolerance to it over time, requiring more and more to get the same effect. It also does result in withdrawal symptoms once we stop taking it consistently like those nasty headaches.

However, CBD oil is the exact opposite. You do not build up a tolerance to it like you can with THC and there are no withdrawal symptoms. It is now even being studied for the ability to treat addictions since it positively affects our inner reward pathway by helping to balance out the neurotransmitters.

The Conclusion

There has been a constant debate over whether coffee is healthy or not and the answer is that it really depends. However, with CBD we know that it promotes general health and well-being from the numerous benefits it offers including stress reduction, balanced energy, and anxiety relief, each of which is further aggravated by coffee consumption.

The Verdict?

Coffee can contribute to a healthy lifestyle in moderation but it certainly does not seem to provide the same general health benefits as CBD oil. Don’t get us wrong, we love the taste of coffee and are even guilty of indulging ourselves from time to time. However, having personally experienced the effects and benefits of CBD oil, we pick this one as the clear winner!

Ready to give CBD a try? We suggest getting started with our flagship Aphrodite in the 10 mL size. We love this product since it offers a pleasant nutty taste and comes in a portable size. This way you also don’t need to commit to the full size before you are comfortable.

You can also check out what other happy customers are saying here.

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