CBD Oil and Coronavirus – 5 Things That Can Help You

Mar 17, 2020CBD Oil For Stress & Anxiety, CBD oil Health Benefits

cbd oil and coronavirus

We are living through some interesting times right now. We totally understand that you are likely experiencing a wide range of emotions in regard to what the future will hold throughout the coronavirus outbreak. However, this is a great time to take a step back and focus on ourselves. There is no better opportunity to prioritize our self-care and well-being than when things are slowing down a little bit. The good news is that while CBD oil does NOT prevent or cure any type of illness, including coronavirus, it can help you with a few specific things. Therefore, we want to show you exactly how CBD oil can help you maintain your health during the coronavirus outbreak.

1. Boosting Immunity with CBD Oil

Firstly, we want to be fully transparent and let you know that CBD oil will NOT prevent you from getting coronavirus. However, it can definitely be a  useful supplement. It can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and to support your immunity during these uncertain times. Of course, the first line of defence in this situation is limiting stress which suppresses the immune system. When we stress, we increase our heart rate and blood pressure, impact our stress hormones, and disturb digestion, which together result in immune suppression and a weakened system. Luckily, taking a few drops of CBD oil can quickly lower your stress levels by acting on the endocannabinoid system to bring balance back into your system, which includes the hormones that interact with the immune system like cortisol. Therefore, boosting immunity will hinge quite heavily on your ability to reduce stress. This way your body can properly fight off disease, and CBD oil can do a lot to help!

2. CBD Oil for Reducing Stress

Secondly, this is not the time to panic. As we mentioned before, reducing stress is a critical component in staying healthy and preventing illness. This is of the utmost importance to resist infection and prevent the further spreading of the coronavirus. There are also lots of things that you have control over and a number of things that you can do to keep yourself and your family healthy. Keeping stress levels low is going to be a main priority over the next few weeks. One way that you can do this if you are struggling, is by taking a few drops of CBD oil. It offers quick relief when you start to feel a wave of stress washing over you. As mentioned previously, CBD works on the receptors of the endocannabinoid system, located throughout the entire body, to balance out the stress hormone cortisol. This has been shown to be able to reset your baseline stress response with long-term positive effects. Or even better, you can try a CBD bath bomb for a pleasant way to unwind, feel refreshed, and forget your worries.

3. Sleep Soundly with CBD Oil

Sleep is a critical component of not only maintaining a strong immune system but also for mental clarity and general well-being. Being deprived of sleep has even been compared to being intoxicated. This enough for us to take it very seriously. Your mind is probably acing with unpleasant thoughts before your head hits the pillow. Therefore, we want to help you slow things down so you can get some much-needed rest. Luckily, taking a few drops of CBD oil before bed can help you do just that. CBD oil helps to not only relax your mind so you can fall asleep faster but also your body, by releasing any physical tension so that you can sleep more comfortably with fewer interruptions. In addition, sleeping more promotes cellular regeneration overnight, just like an antioxidant. This is very beneficial to your entire system and can even work to prevent aging.

4. Working from Home with CBD Oil

With most people working from home wherever they can and kids staying home from school, getting work done can be a bit of a challenge, to say the least. However, we want to help you still get your tasks done effectively and efficiently. We know that you are busy with many responsibilities. Life does not stop just because we are socially distancing ourselves. You can take advantage of using CBD oil to help maintain productivity at home by allowing you to get into the zone. CBD has been shown to stimulate specific regions of the brain that are responsible for learning, memory, and cognition. Therefore, it can help you find an improved sense of focus and concentration. By minimizing distractions, calming your mind, and boosting mental clarity, you can effortlessly get your work done. You can even learn something with our new online CBD course or do those little things that you have been putting off. 

5. CBD Oil for Easing Anxiety

We also want to remind you to take a moment to chill out and take some deep breaths. Focus on incorporating more grounding practices, like meditation, into your routine and reflecting inwards to manage anxiety. These activities can also help to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. It helps minimize the stress response and promote relaxation, thus further contributing to improved immunity. CBD oil can be a wonderful complement to this by helping to regulate the stress response. It can even change the way your brain responds to stress over time. This allows you to become more present and only concern yourself with the important things. By getting centred and connecting deeper with yourself, you can take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Simply take a few drops of CBD as soon as you start to feel anxious and then enjoy a subtle sense of calm. If you don’t feel the results quite as much as would like, you can take an extra dose as well. 


We know that the world is in an interesting situation right now. That being said, we want to encourage you to take good care of yourself and your loved ones. In addition, following the guidelines that are being suggested will help you get through the coronavirus outbreak. We even think you can really view this as a chance to catch-up with family members and focus on conscious connection. If you are also looking for an additional supportive community, check out our Facebook group of CBD oil for women. And of course, if you need some extra help in dealing with the coronavirus madness, CBD oil can certainly help to take the edge off. 


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