8 Reasons to Use CBD Oil for Fitness – Pilates, Crossfit, Yoga

Jun 9, 2020CBD Oil For Pain, CBD oil Health Benefits

Are you someone who spends hours working out each week and is just not seeing the results that you had hoped for? We know that a lot of you are active people looking for effective ways to boost performance at the studio or gym. What if you could lower your recovery time allowing you to hit your favorite classes again sooner and get the results you are looking for faster? Well, we got your covered in this article on CBD oil for fitness enthusiasts where we are going to help you get more out of your exercise routine with less time investment.

Most people who exercise do so with the intention of losing weight or achieving their health or body goals or composition. A regular work-out routine, in addition to a good diet and healthy lifestyle habits, is certainly one of the main ways to get there. So how can you increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your physical activity regimen for better performance and recovery, regardless of the type of exercise that you do? Keep on reading below to find out!

1. Lower pain and inflammation

Lifting too much weight or overdoing any form of exercise can result in pain and discomfort. This can prevent you from exercising and affect your progress going forward. In addition, choosing to take a painkiller like Advil can also result in a number of unpleasant side effects.

However, CBD oil for fitness is a natural painkiller that works to promote healing from within. The way CBD binds to receptors in your endocannabinoid system alters how you perceive pain and works to lower inflammation as well. Therefore, you can feel better while also doing something good for your body.

2. Reduce muscle soreness

Muscle soreness is just a regular part of working out and is often a good sign. It happens due to a lack of oxygen in the veins often 24 hours later due to the break down of muscle. That being said, it can slow you down on your fitness journey and be somewhat uncomfortable.

Luckily, CBD oil has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce the tension from arteries. This allows your muscles to get more oxygen and helps prevent soreness later on. CBD also stays in your system long enough to also help lower any stiffness following your work-out.

3. Recover faster between sessions

The very last thing that an athlete wants to deal with is an injury, but these are often a natural part of the process with the repetition of similar movements. By being more active you are simply putting yourself at more risk of injuries from the constant impact.

However, CBD oil for fitness could be an amazing option for you if this seems to be an issue for you. CBD can assist with the repair process by lowering pain and inflammation, in addition to working on epidermal tissues. It can also help you relax more at night so you can recover while you sleep.

4. Perform better when it counts

Are you nervous, stressed, or anxious before a big sporting event or competition? It can be quite common for athletes to feel the pressure to perform. It can also affect your confidence levels and your performance as a result.

The good news is that CBD oil is a natural solution to this very problem. CBD helps promote a state of calm and relaxation and works to reduce anxious thoughts and feelings. Therefore, this can help boost your performance and help you focus on the present when it really matters.

5. Boost energy levels

This is, of course, is an important aspect of not just maintaining fitness levels, but also of daily life. It can become a vicious cycle when you do not exercise because you do not have any energy even when you know that exercising would give you an energy boost.

That being said, CBD oil helps to naturally improve energy levels by relieving stress which can be incredibly draining. In addition, CBD can also work to increase testosterone which is needed for muscle growth from lifting weights to occur. While testosterone is primarily a male hormone, women also have it in smaller amounts. Therefore, CBD can give you that extra energy boost so that you can perform better and achieve the gains you are looking for.

6. Improve appetite

Again, energy is going to be a key component of having an effective and successful work-out. A proper diet and hydration can go a very long way in supporting your fitness goals. However, if you are finding that you are not able to eat much you can try boosting your appetite with CBD oil.

CBD has been shown to increase metabolism meaning that your body can digest food and turn it into energy much faster. This can also be very useful if you are looking for support with weight loss. In addition, CBD works to balance the hunger and satiety hormones and signals so that you will feel hungry sooner and you will eat more as a result. If you are very active, you need to be sure that your caloric intake is sufficient in order to prevent muscle wasting.

7. Assist with coordination

You definitely need a strong and healthy relationship between mind and body for effective physical activity. Your brain and muscles need to work together for a successful work-out to happen and in order to reduce the chances of injury.

Taking CBD oil for fitness can help to get you into the zone by limiting distractions and enabling better focus and concentration. A major component of exercise is the mental game and so if you can heighten your senses and relax your muscles then you will be more coordinated. With increased cognition and coordination, you can also expect to perform a lot better.

8. Stimulate weight loss

Like we already mentioned previously, CBD oil can help you reach your body goals by increasing your metabolic rate and balancing your hormones. It allows your system to accurately distinguish between hunger and satiety signals so you only eat as much as you need. It also helps boost fat burning by speeding up your metabolism so you can shed a few extra pounds.

This effect can be further amplified in combination with an effective and consistent exercise routine and proper diet. Of course, CBD is not a magic weight loss pill and is simply a helpful addition to supplement a healthy routine. Other lifestyle habits like getting enough sleep and stress management also play a critical factor, which conveniently CBD oil helps with too.

Final Thoughts

CBD oil is an amazing tool for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. It offers a number of wonderful health benefits and therapeutic properties. In particular, it helps improve that rate of recovery and level of performance by working on appetite, inflammation, soreness, and energy. It can also help you push for longer at the gym, increase mental focus, and reduce the time in between training sessions. Therefore, you can reach your body and health goals much faster with the help of a natural, safe, and effective solution.

We suggest getting started with our most popular seller THEIA. It comes with our standard concentration (1500mg) which is enough to pack a powerful punch and support your health and fitness goals.



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