What is MCT in CBD Oil?

Feb 8, 2022CBD Oil For Beginners

MCT in CBD oil

People are often confused about what the role of MCT in CBD oil is. Today, we want to discuss a bit of the science and reasons behind the use of this compound in our CBD oil products.

CBD, and other cannabinoids as well, are lipophilic, which means they dissolve in fats, not in water. Water molecules make up about 70% of our cells, which makes it harder for CBD to enter our cells. This effect also reduces CBD’s potency and efficacy.

Now, for our cells to better absorb CBD, we use carrier oils. They “carry and deliver” CBD into the cells, helping our body absorb the cannabinoid better. Carrier oils also increase CBD’s bioavailability, preserving its potency and efficacy.

Of the different types of carrier oils, MCT, or medium-chain triglycerides oil, appears to be the best.


What are the Different Types of Carrier Oils?

There are several types of carrier oils for CBD. These are:

  • Hemp seed oil, which is extracted from hemp seeds (not from hemp flowers and leaves) and doesn’t contain any traces of cannabinoids
  • Grape seed oil
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Fractionated palm oil
  • MCT oil (of course!)

But as mentioned earlier, MCT oil appears to be the best type of carrier oil. It’s also the most preferred carrier oil of many trusted brands.

MCT oil also has many therapeutic benefits that help boost CBD’s therapeutic properties.


What is MCT Oil?

MCT, or medium-chain triglycerides oil, contains only about 6 to 12 carbon atoms. Its structure is not that short that it’s quickly consumed by our gut bacteria. It’s also not so long that it needs a longer time to digest and absorb. Its structure is just right to efficiently deliver CBD into our body’s cells.

Coconut and palm oils contain high amounts of medium-chain fatty acids and are usually the main sources of MCT oils. Although you can also use coconut and palm oils as carriers, they contain only about 50% to 80% MCT. MCT oil, on the other hand, contains 100% MCT.


Why Do We Use Carrier Oils?

When we ingest CBD, it goes through a process called the first-pass effect. CBD first gets metabolized in the digestive system and the liver before it enters systemic circulation. Unfortunately, CBD loses some of its bioavailability in the process. Bioavailability is the rate and amount of compound absorbed by the cells once it enters the bloodstream or systemic

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