CBD Oil Near Me: Why Should You Buy CBD Oil in Verified Stores?

Aug 10, 2021CBD Oil For Beginners

Where can I find the best CBD oil near me?

This is one of the most popular keywords when looking for a good CBD oil. Simply type in the keywords in any search engine, and you’ll already be given a list of CBD stores.

But buying CBD oil isn’t as easy as buying from the first CBD store you see. There are many factors to consider, the most important of which is buying only from trusted CBD stores, whether be brick and mortar or online stores.

So, how will you know if the CBD oil is of good quality?


Factors to Consider in Buying CBD Oil in Canada

A quick Google search gives you hundreds of CBD stores to choose from, but not all these offer premium-grade CBD oil though.

Some offer cheap, untested, substandard CBD oil that can do more harm than good.

Remember, you’d be using CBD oil for its health benefits, and ingesting contaminated and poor-quality oil puts your health at risk. CBD oils containing toxic residues and pathogenic organisms may also worsen your medical condition.

So, after typing in “buy CBD near me” in a search engine, look for these factors to narrow down your options.


CBD Oil Lab Test

The law requires cannabis, including hemp, manufacturers to send samples of their products to verified laboratory testing facilities. Here, the samples will be checked for their safety, making sure there are no traces of any contaminants such as toxic residues and pathogenic microorganisms like bacteria and fungus.

The test also checks the product’s potency and presence of THC, making sure that it contains the cannabinoid concentration and potency stated on the label and nothing else.

Should the sample pass these laboratory tests, it will be given a certificate of analysis or COA. When you buy CBD oil in Toronto, for example, make sure that it has a COA from Canada. The laboratory test shows the product’s quality, potency, as well as safety.


Where Hemp Comes From

First of all, choose CBD that is extracted from hemp. Secondly, check the origin of hemp that CBD is extracted from.

We have a whole blog post explaining why it is important to choose CBD oil that come from North American hemp, the main point of which is that quality of hemp is hard to guarantee when it is coming from other countries, especially China.

So if you want to have truly organically grown, pesticide-free hemp then get CBD made from hemp from either Canada or the U.S.


Product Review and Customer Feedback

In looking for premium-grade CBD oil buy in Calgary, Montreal or Vancouver only from trusted vendors.

So, read reviews and feedback left by customers, not just on the manufacturer’s website but also on Google and Facebook. These give you a good idea of the CBD oil’s potency, efficacy, and side effects if any.

Stay away from CBD oil and manufacturers that received more negative feedback than positive ones.



Searching for CBD oil to buy in Canada? Wondering where to buy CBD oil near me?

Then look no further than ICARIA. We offer premium-grade CBD oil in Canada and the U.S.. We ship anywhere in these countries, so you can get our CBD oil from Quebec to California.

We source our CBD from organically grown North American hemp, assuring you that our oils are pesticide-free.

Our products are also laboratory tested by an accredited third party, and their laboratory tests show no presence of contaminants like toxic residues and harmful microorganisms.

ICARIA offers CBD oil in varying potencies — from 500 mg perfect for beginners to 1500 mg for those who need extra-strength CBD oil.

Then drop us a line if you have any questions. We’d love to help you choose the best CBD oil that suits your needs.

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