Can You Take Too Much CBD Oil: How to Calculate the Correct Dose

Jul 27, 2021CBD Oil For Beginners

If you or your loved one has been battling with a physical or mental illness, you must have researched various kinds of medicinal and alternative treatments to help them get out of their pain and feel better. If so, then you must have come across cannabidiol, or CBD, which is an extract from the cannabis sativa plant. The word “cannabis” may upset you a little bit, but there is no cause for concern, because CBD is a psychoactive compound and is made out of hemp.

CBD oil is one of the end products that is made from CBD extract, and it has a variety of benefits, especially for people who are suffering from anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other illnesses. However, taking the right dosage is important for pain relief and comfort, and this article covers how you can calculate the correct dose.


What is CBD Oil?

Now that you have introduced cannabidiol, let’s talk about what CBD oil is. As you know already, CBD is extracted from the cannabis sativa plant and it is a non-psychoactive component that is one of the hundred compounds called cannabinoids. To make CBD oil, the hemp extract is diluted with carrier oil, usually hemp seed or coconut oil.

There are a lot of excellent benefits of CBD oil that have been proven to provide pain relief for various illnesses, including symptoms associated with cancer. Plus, it is also known to improve heart health. In fact, it has also been known to alleviate symptoms faster than traditional medicine. This is why CBD oil has become increasingly popular in the past few years.

The question is, “can you take too much CBD oil?” To answer this question, have a look at the following sections.


How Much CBD Oil Can You Take at a Time?

Since CBD oil has been immensely popular in the past few years, there has been a lot of discussion and research about how much you should take for alleviating your symptoms. There are a range of factors of CBD oil that affect the amount that you should take, so let’s have a look at them one by one.

Body Weight

Generally speaking, the more your body weight, the more dosage you will need for CBD oil to be actually effective. 

Condition or Symptoms

Another major factor that determines the CBD oil dosage is the health conditions or disease that you are experiencing and looking to alleviate. Naturally, there is a different amount of CBD oil associated with treating different symptoms, and it also boils down to their severity.

Body Chemistry

Each person’s body may also react differently to the same dose of CBD oil, and this is because of the different body chemistry that they have. Thus, the dosage differs from person to person.


The concentration of CBD is also another major factor that determines the CBD oil dosage. It refers to the amount of CBD inside the product that you are considering buying.


These are some of the common factors that influence how much CBD you should take for your symptoms. Of course, these aren’t the only factors that come into play and at the end of the day the dosage will be vary. Sometimes the dosage even varies from day to day or from month to month, so we recommend keeping a Dosage Journal that you can download and use when you start on the CBD oil routine. 


Is There a Critical Dose of CBD Oil?

Now comes a crucial question when you are considering taking CBD oil: can you overdose on CBD oil? The short answer is no, mainly because CBD is a non-psychoactive compound that doesn’t produce the feeling of being “high” that is associated with other extracts of the cannabis plant. Moreover, CBD is known to have very low toxicity, thus being safe for human and animal consumption.

Of course, there is always going to be a critical dosage of any supplement, including CBD. However, the research just hasn’t found the upper tolerance limit for humans just yet. It is best to be safe and take the amount that you need, which is unlikely to be higher than what the studies have been working with. Most of which use dosages anywhere between 20 and 1,500 mg per day, to give you some context our most popular bottle of CBD oil THEIA has 1500mg per bottle and that is considered to be a high amount of CBD in a product. 


How to Calculate the Dosage for CBD Oil?

By now, you would be wondering how the dosage for CBD oil is actually calculated. As mentioned above, there are a number of factors that affect the outcome when you are calculating CBD oil. Generally, people take between 10-40 mg per dose, which is a moderate amount that doesn’t produce any side effects. Please refer to this blog post for detailed guide on how to calculate the right amount of CBD for you. 

Once you have the dosage figured out, you can also find out how many drops of CBD oil you will need to receive the proper dose. Usually, CBD oil comes in a dropper, and the packaging shows how much CBD is present in a single drop. Each ICARIA product has a clear dosage guide on each of the product page.


Can Pets Overdose on CBD Oil?

Sometimes, your pet’s vet might prescribe CBD oil for your dog or other pets, which often spawns the question among pet owners: can pets overdose on CBD? Research shows that dogs don’t experience many side effects from CBD oil, but to be safe please follow the dosage guide on the pet CBD product page. 


Final Thoughts

This brings us to the end of our article on calculating the right dosage for CBD oil. In a nutshell, the CBD dosage depends on a number of factors, and it is also affected by your body’s physiology and vitals. If you are still contemplating whether or not you should take CBD oil, let us help you with it. At ICARI, we help you understand the potential benefits and applications of CBD, as well as the various products you can take for it. We help ease your pain with CBD and support you in the whole process. Please don’t be shy to reach out!


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