Does CBD Oil Work for Cancer?

Jul 13, 2021CBD oil Health Benefits

This is a very sensitive topic and for that reason we haven’t talked about it until now. However, the research on cancer and CBD oil show very promising results and we would love to share some of it with you. Just so we are crystal clear, CBD oil does not cure or treat cancer, and please consult your health care practitioner before taking CBD oil.  

According to CBD oil and cancer research studies, CBD has the potential to not only control cancer symptoms but also reduce the nasty side effects associated with cancer treatments like chemotherapy.

People who use CBD oil also report significant improvement in their cancer symptoms. They experience less pain, and they enjoy better sleep. They also report a reduction in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.


Can CBD Oil Prevent Cancer?

Before we discuss CBD oil and cancer preventions, let’s first discuss how cancer develops.

There are many factors that can increase your risk of developing cancer. Some of these are:

  • Family History — Cancer often runs in the family.
  • Older Age — The older you get, the higher the cancer risk.
  • Lifestyle Choices — These include smoking, drinking, doing drugs, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, etc.
  • Chronic Health Problems — Some chronic medical illnesses like human papillomavirus and hepatitis can cause cancer.
  • External Factors — These include exposure to radiation, carcinogens, and viruses, etc.

All these factors can cause abnormalities in the normal cells, which can result in cancer development.

Cells normally stop growing and developing when there’s enough of them. But in people with cancer, these cells continuously divide, grow, and develop, resulting in the masses and lumps that invade other tissues.

The more the lumps invade normal tissues, the more they create symptoms since they’re already negatively affecting the way the tissues and the organs normally function.

In addition to this, the lumps also grow their own blood vessels. These blood vessels “feed” the lumps with the nutrients they need to survive and continue growing. Unfortunately, the same blood vessels also carry the abnormal cancer cells to other parts of the body, resulting in metastasis and the spread of cancer.

Can CBD oil help prevent cancer?

Well, according to studies on CBD oil and cancer cells, CBD has many therapeutic properties that help prevent cancer.

For one, it has the potential to kill cancer cells by inducing their death. CBD, when it attaches to the cancer cells, triggers a cascade of chemical events that result in the death of these abnormal cells. By inducing cell death, CBD also helps prevent cancer growth and development.

Two, research also shows that CBD prevents the growth of the blood vessels feeding the cancerous lump. By preventing these blood vessels from developing, the cancer growths are denied of their nutrients and pathway of invading other tissues.


Does CBD Oil Help with Cancer Side Effects?

Studies on CBD oil effects on cancer show that this cannabinoid helps relieve many cancer side effects by acting on the endocannabinoid system and other receptors that regulate our body’s responses to stimulus.

The endocannabinoid system’s main function is to make sure there’s a good balance between all the chemicals in the body. It plays a role in controlling pain, appetite, sleep, inflammation, mood, emotions, anxiety, fear, stress, memory, motor and sensory functions, focus and concentration, and a whole lot more. 

So, any abnormality in the body’s chemical levels will result in symptoms and health problems. Unfortunately, chronic diseases affect the endocannabinoid system, resulting in its dysfunction and inability to better control many symptoms.

They also affect the levels of our endocannabinoids. These are the cannabinoid-like chemicals produced by our cells in response to stimuli such as pain, inflammation, infection, disease, or illness.

Now, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, stimulating it and helping it to function better. CBD, in a way, also “takes the place” of our endocannabinoids, making sure there’s enough to stimulate the endocannabinoid systems found on our cells.

The benefits of CBD oil for cancer help decrease cancer pain and low-grade inflammation, which worsens the pain. CBD also helps improve appetite and fatigue. It also helps ease anxiety and depression, which are often associated with cancer. By relieving or at least reducing these symptoms, CBD is also able to help the patient sleep better.

In addition to CBD oil for cancer pain relief and control of other symptoms, this cannabinoid also works wonders for chemotherapy side effects. CBD, according to studies, can help decrease severe nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy medications.


How to Use CBD Oil for Cancer Treatment?

CBD oil doesn’t treat cancer, but if you would like to add CBD oil to help you cope with cancer symptoms, then the way you’d do it will depend on several factors like your body weight, type of cancer, and severity of symptoms. 

The rule of thumb when it comes to taking CBD oil is to take 1 mg per 10 pounds for low strength, 3 mg per 10 pounds for medium strength, and 6 mg per 10 pounds for high strength. So, let’s say for example you weigh 150 pounds, then you can take 15 mg for mild symptoms, 45 mg for moderate symptoms, and 90 mg for severe symptoms. But remember we are all very different and will need a different amount of CBD. 

It is best to use CBD oil under the tongue where CBD is easily absorbed into the bloodstream.  However, for skin cancers, you can also use topical CBD products (in addition to the CBD oil) to help with the symptoms.

Cancer is a serious disease. Left untreated, it can result in severe complications or even death. If you want to know how to add CBD oil to your cancer treatment please consult your doctor. 


Is It Safe to Use CBD Oil for People with Cancer?

CBD oil cancer studies and even the World Health Organization suggest that CBD is a relatively safe cannabinoid. It’s well-tolerated by users and doesn’t significantly affect physiological parameters like heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and temperature.

Are there any contraindications for taking CBD oil for cancer patientsCBD interacts with several drugs. It can either amplify or reduce the potency of the medications you’re taking. So, if you’re on any medications then we reiterate the importance of speaking with your doctor first before trying CBD oil for cancer.

You should also consult with your doctor if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, immunocompromised, or have other chronic health problems other than cancer.


The Final Word

Can CBD cure cancer?

CBD isn’t the magic cure for cancer. But it does have properties that help control the development, growth, proliferation, and metastasis of cancer cells. In addition, CBD also has therapeutic benefits that help relieve many cancer symptoms like pain, poor appetite, fatigue, sleep problems, etc.

If you want to try CBD oil for cancer symptom relief, then check out our products. We offer laboratory-tested, THC-free, pure CBD oil made from the finest, organically-grown hemp. Potencies range from 500 mg (perfect for beginners) to 3000 mg (recommended for those who need extra-strength CBD oil).

To know more about our products, you may get in touch with us via email. We look forward to hearing from you!

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