CBD Isolate vs Full-Spectrum CBD Oil for Anxiety

Jun 21, 2022CBD oil Health Benefits

cbd isolate vs full spectrum cbd

CBD Isolate vs Full-Spectrum CBD Oil for Anxiety

When buying CBD oil for anxiety, you’re sure to come across the different types of CBD oils. These include CBD isolate, broad-spectrum CBD, and full-spectrum CBD oil.

All of them contain high levels of CBD, but what sets them apart is the presence of other cannabinoids and terpenes. Of the three CBD types, which work the best for anxiety?


CBD and Anxiety

CBD has pretty potent anxiolytic or anti-anxiety effects. It works by stimulating non-cannabinoid receptors like the serotonin receptor. This receptor plays an important role in controlling anxiety, fear, and stress. It works by regulating the release of excitatory neurotransmitters, an increase of which can worsen anxiety and fear.

The serotonin receptor also helps regulate mood and sleep. This is why CBD’s stimulation of this receptor also results in improved mood, decreased depression symptoms, and a calmer mind.

In addition to activating the serotonin receptor, CBD also helps control anxiety by decreasing low-grade neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity in the brain.

Constant stress and anxiety as well as high levels of excitatory neurotransmitters can cause structural changes in the brain. These changes prevent the neurons or brain cells from functioning properly. They also contribute to neuronal damage and neurotoxicity in the brain. Not only can this further weaken and damage the brain cells, but it also increases low-grade brain inflammation, further affecting the function of the brain cells.

Now, CBD reduces low-grade neuroinflammation and also functions as an antioxidant. It protects the brain cells against neurotoxicity and further damage, improving symptoms of anxiety.


The Different Types of CBD Oil 

When you see the word “CBD isolate” in a CBD product, it means that it only contains CBD. The product is stripped of other cannabinoids as well as terpenes.

If the product label says it contains broad-spectrum CBD oil, then expect that the oil not only has CBD but other essential compounds as well, specifically other cannabinoids and terpenes. However, broad-spectrum CBD oil doesn’t contain any traces of THC.

Full-spectrum CBD oil, on the other hand, not only has other cannabinoids and terpenes but contains THC as well. If CBD is sourced from industrial hemp, its THC level usually doesn’t exceed 0.3% THC.

Will the 0.3% THC level get you high or increase your addiction risk? No. This very low THC isn’t enough to activate the type 1 cannabinoid receptor. This receptor, when stimulated by THC, produces the mind-altering, psychedelic high of cannabis.

Can this THC level cause an overdose? Again, no. There aren’t enough cannabinoid receptors in the brainstem. This is the area that houses the control centers for our breathing and pulse rate. With not enough cannabinoid receptors to stimulate, cannabinoids won’t be able to cause significant changes in our breathing and heartbeat patterns.

Now we’ve established that full-spectrum CBD oil is safe, which type of CBD oil is best for anxiety then? The answer is both, but of course, the choice will still depend on your preferences and severity of symptoms.


CBD Isolate for Anxiety

CBD isolate for anxiety is perfect for beginners. As mentioned earlier, CBD has several properties that decrease anxiety symptoms. Through its effects on the serotonin receptor, it helps calm the nerves and relax the mind. You feel less anxious and more relaxed.

However, CBD has an inverted U-shaped dose-response curve and works best at a certain therapeutic dose. Take doses higher or lower than CBD’s optimal therapeutic dose and its beneficial effects start to decline.

So, if you’re suffering from severe anxiety, increasing your CBD dose may not work well for you.


Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil for Anxiety

To help strengthen CBD’s effects and breakthrough CBD’s inverted U-shaped dose-response curve, you’ll need the addition of the other cannabinoids and terpenes.

Some cannabinoids like CBG also offer anxiolytic effects that can enhance CBD’s relaxing and anti-anxiety properties.

Terpenes commonly found in cannabis like linalool and limonene also produce anxiolytic effects. Similar to CBG, they can also boost CBD’s beneficial effects.


Full-Spectrum CBD Oil for Anxiety

Full-spectrum CBD oil for anxiety contains all the benefits of broad-spectrum CBD oil. Plus, it also has the addition of THC, which helps amplify the beneficial effects of all the essential compounds.

At low doses, THC also produces an anxiolytic effect when it stimulates the type 1 cannabinoid receptor. Not only can low-dose THC help calm the mind, but it also helps relax the muscles.

All the cannabinoids and terpenes found in the full-spectrum CBD oil for anxiety work together in a phenomenon called the entourage effect. They all help improve CBD’s anxiolytic and relaxing effects.

Additionally, THC also has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Together, CBD and THC can help reduce low-grade neuroinflammation, which worsens anxiety.

Lastly, THC helps improve mood, boost energy, and reduce depression symptoms. It may also make you feel a bit sleepy, especially if you take it before bedtime. The relaxing and calming effects of both CBD and THC help promote better sleep.

So, if you’re after a stronger type of CBD oil for your anxiety, then know that full-spectrum CBD helps. Its cannabinoid and terpene content work together to make the product more potent and effective.


How to Take CBD Oil for Anxiety

Sublingual application is the best way to take CBD oil for anxiety, especially if you’re after a faster onset of effect. In under 15 minutes, you’ll start feeling CBD’s anti-anxiety effects

To do this, simply place the drops under your tongue. Let it stay for about a couple of minutes before swallowing. This allows the cells in your mouth to absorb more CBD and other active ingredients without losing their bioavailability.

  • 6.25 mg to 12.5mg or 5 to 10 drops of CBD for mild symptoms
  • 18.75 mg to 25 mg or 15 o 20 drops CBD for moderate symptoms
  • 25 mg to 50 mg or 20 to 40 drops of CBD for severe symptoms
  • 100 mg or 80 drops of CBD for extra-strength CBD oil

If you don’t feel any effects on the recommended doses, please don’t worry. There are many reasons why you feel it isn’t helping with your stress and anxiety. It could be because:

  • Your body is still getting used to CBD. Remember, we’re built differently, and how we respond to CBD will always differ. So, give CBD a chance. Stay on your current dose for at least three to five days to help your body adjust to CBD.
  • If nothing happens, then this could be because you aren’t getting the right dose. If this is the cause, then increase your CBD dose after about three or five days.
  • You bought a substandard product. To be safe, always look for the CBD product’s certificate of analysis or laboratory test result.

Fortunately, all of our ICARIA CBD products underwent strict testing. This means you’re always going to get safe, effective, and potent CBD products from us. You can view our CBD product’s COA on our website or give us a call if you want to know more about us or any of our products.

If you’re looking for CBD oil for anxiety (be it CBD isolate, broad-spectrum, or full-spectrum CBD oil), please feel free to get in touch with us. We’d love to help you reach a more informed decision.

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