Does CBD Oil Expire?

Sep 8, 2020CBD Oil For Beginners

does cbd oil expire

“Where can I find my CBD oil expiration date?”

Most supplements come with an expiration date printed on the label letting you know when you need to use them. Perhaps you bought some CBD oil a little while ago and completely forgot that you had it up until recently. Would it still be safe to use it? When it comes to CBD oil, finding this information is not very straightforward and depends on a number of different factors.

This is a common question that we get among our clients since you can go through CBD oil at very different rates depending on what you are using it for. We want to help you get the most value out of our products so that you feel confident making the investment into your health.


Does CBD Oil Expire?

The short answer is no. Technically speaking, CBD oil does not have an expiry date.

If you look at the label on any of our products, you will not find a printed expiry date on the label. While this could raise questions at first, the reason behind this is that there really is no need for one.

That being said, if your CBD oil is not stored properly it could degrade over time and lose some potency. This means it will become less effective and you will need to take more to experience the same effects.

This is not desirable for obvious reasons as CBD oil does not come cheap. It can simply be a waste of your money if you are not careful.

It’s a bit difficult to give a specific timeline as to how exactly CBD oil degrades since it depends on a few factors that we cover in the next section. 

However, the general rule of thumb is that you should use up your opened product within 18-24 months. Anything outside of that warrants a replacement.

The Bottom Line: CBD oil does not have a set expiry date but can lose potency over time depending on a few different things. It should be consumed within 2 years once opened assuming that it was stored correctly.


What to Look For When Buying CBD Oil

The packaging of your CBD oil can really help in keeping it fresh for as long as possible.

To begin with, you will want to look at the container or packaging that your CBD oil comes in. In a perfect world, it would be in a darker glass bottle to protect the contents from light exposure. 

In addition, you want to ensure that the container is airtight to prevent oxygen from getting in which can also degrade the active components. This process is called oxidation and can change the chemical balance.

Another important consideration is heat and cold exposure. Just like when you are cooking, certain ingredients can get broken down when exposed to extreme temperatures. This is not what we want in the case of CBD.

In general, a cooler temperature is definitely preferable to warmer temperatures which can result in degradation. You could even keep it in the freezer in theory but it can change the consistency of the CBD oil.

In the end, if you buy CBD oil from a reputable brand that you can trust, these bases should be covered at a minimum. Also, the purest the ingredients used in the production of CBD oil, the longer you can expect it to last.

The Bottom Line: The packaging of CBD oil can help to protect it from the elements that would otherwise degrade it much faster. Choosing a reputable brand will also help to maintain freshness with better ingredients and packaging used.


Can You Make CBD Oil Last Longer?

The great news is that yes, you absolutely can with a few simple steps.

In conjunction with the previous section, there are a number of things that you can do to prevent it from going bad. Ensuring that you are properly storing it will do wonders for oil maximizing freshness.

First off, keeping the product out of direct sunlight and moisture will be very important to extend the shelf life.

You can also be extra careful that you are replacing the lid securely following each use to prevent unwanted airflow.

Therefore, in general, keeping your product in a cool, dark, and dry place will help to make it last much longer.

The best thing is to find a cabinet likely in your bedroom in an upright position. You do not want to put it in a bathroom that can get humid with regular running water or in a kitchen with appliances that generate heat.

You also want to avoid keeping your product in the car where temperatures change a lot or in front of a window where the sun reaches the product.

If you want to take it a step further, you can keep your CBD oil in the fridge wrapped in aluminum foil for an added layer of protection. Just know that the product can get thicker and you will likely need to slightly warm it up to use.

The Bottom Line: Find a storage place for your CBD oil that avoids exposure to light, heat, cold, humidity, and airflow to help extend the shelf life. These elements basically destroy the active compound of CBD over time.


The Final Word

If you are using CBD oil on a regular and frequent basis, then you probably do not need to worry too much about it going bad since you are replacing it often.

However, if you are more of a sporadic CBD oil user, then you will definitely want to consider the impact of proper packaging and storage more seriously for optimal usage. 

A few super simple adjustments can really help to make your CBD oil last much longer.  This will allow you to uphold the potency of the product so that you can continue experiencing the amazing health benefits.

As time goes on, the colour of the CBD oil tends to change despite the expiry date. In this case, the product is still safe for consumption. This just means that you will need more of the product to get the same effects as before.

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