Can You Cook with CBD Oil? – Yes and No

May 26, 2020CBD Oil For Beginners

can you cook with cbd oil?

There are a number of different edible CBD products coming onto the market.  Some fun and innovative CBD products include everything from gummies to beverages. However, they are likely not the best option for a few reasons. We know that a lot of you still want to know if you can cook with CBD oil.

The short answer is yes. However, there are a few main reasons why you would not want to…

Much Less CBD is Absorbed

Firstly, when you consume CBD oil orally, it has to go through your digestive system. However, this is going to seriously affect how the CBD is absorbed and metabolized. Through the process of digestion, the active component of CBD becomes less bioavailable. This means that you lose the majority of the effectiveness of it since it cannot enter the blood to be used by the body. Most people can only really absorb up to 20% of the active component of CBD from an edible product. In other words, if you take a capsule with 50mg of CBD you will only absorb, best case scenario, 10mg of the CBD. The rest is basically excreted and wasted. 

To be totally honest, most people in our society have very poor digestion, to begin with. There are a number of factors that affect the effectiveness of digestion including stress, diet, inflammation, etc. Thus, the absorption will likely be much lower than that. That is why we suggest taking it under the tongue. So it can go directly into your blood and can start working instantly for maximum results. CBD oil is an expensive supplement so you really want to get the most you possibly can out of it to experience the benefits you are looking for.

Heat Can Degrade CBD

Secondly, just like with a lot of other supplements, heat, air, and light can degrade the active component of CBD over time. That is why it comes in a dark bottle to minimize the exposure to these external factors. We also suggest storing it in a cool dark place. This will give it a much longer shelf life so it can maintain a strong potency. Therefore, cooking CBD oil can render it less effective. This completely defeats the purpose of taking it in the first place. 

That being said, it can be done and it will not harm you, but why would you want to? Again, CBD oil is an expensive supplement so there is no point in cooking it since you will just be breaking it down. However, we know that CBD treats or lattes sound pretty good. Sadly, you will not be getting the best bang for your buck if you choose to consume your CBD oil in this way. Therefore, we suggest taking it under the tongue so it goes directly into your blood and can start working instantly for maximum results.

The Best Way to Take CBD Oil

Therefore, as we mentioned previously, the best way to ingest your CBD oil is by taking a few drops and holding them under the tongue for roughly one minute. This will help to ensure optimal absorption, bypassing digestion, and getting right into the blood so the body can put it straight to work. Of course, the number of drops you take will be different for everyone.

If you are ready to get started with CBD oil, THEIA is a great option for those new to the world of CBD. It comes with no flavour (so if really you want you can still add it to your coffee etc.) and is our top-selling product.


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