You can take CBD oil at any time of the day and it will have a beneficial effect on your health. However, you can feel a range of different effects depending on when you take it. CBD oil works WITH your body and with your natural circadian rhythm. In this post, we will be looking at the five most common times of the day to take CBD oil.
We will also explain what happens in your body and how it affects you. Keep in mind that you might have a different experience from someone else. So, listen to your body first and foremost to see what works best for you.
1. In the Morning
If you choose to take CBD oil in the morning before your body is fully awake and before the stressful day begins, you can prevent the stress, overwhelm, and anxiety from even beginning to start with. CBD oil will help keep cortisol, the stress hormone, balanced throughout the day. CBD is more effective at that if you take it before cortisol has a chance to go too high up. If cortisol doesn’t spike, then you can better manage your daily stressors. You also won’t crash feeling exhausted at the end of the day. Yes, balancing cortisol levels throughout the day will help you have more energy in the evening too. Instead of feeling too tired to do anything, you will be able to enjoy your evenings.
“I now have been taking it either before bed or right in the mornings (as opposed to midday) and I found that the things I’d usually freak out over/stress about I’m feeling a lot more at ease with, so that’s the main benefit for me!! I usually get anxious during/before sleep as well and the oil before bed has helped with even having better dreams oddly enough and also with waking up relaxed and not stressed about the day!”
Taking CBD oil in the morning is our favorite choice because we see a huge improvement in the hours that follows. Nadya, being an entrepreneur, finds that her day quickly gets overwhelming, especially when life throws a few curveballs. She found that, if she takes CBD oil in the morning, she is better able to deal with any situation in a calm, logical manner. Then, even at the end of a very long stressful day, she can have the energy to clean, go for a walk, or hang out with friends while, in the past, she would have been just too tired to do so.
2. Before an Important Meeting
By “important meeting”, we mean any stressful situation that requires your focus and attention. It could be an exam or a test, a speech or a presentation, a networking event, or maybe even a conversation with your partner. Whatever it is, if something is making you nervous but you need to have a sharp mind for it, CBD can help you with that. CBD oil will help take away the nerves and improve your focus, cognitive ability, and attention. You can be your best, smartest self during that important meeting!
We love taking CBD oil before work because we find it makes us much more focused and in the zone. Our founder, Nadya, also teaches Fundamentals of Nutrition at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. Those are four hours of teaching at a time and she finds CBD oil to be very helpful in balancing her energy levels, keeping her focused, and boosting her confidence. In addition, she organizes events for wellness entrepreneurs in Vancouver which makes her very anxious both the day before and the actual day of the event. With CBD she has managed to keep herself free from stress and anxiety.
3. After a Long Day
We all have days when we come home and are so wired from the stressful day that we can’t relax because our mind is racing and our body feels tense. CBD oil can help you calm down, release tension, and clear your mind. Unlike a glass of wine, it does not do that by depressing your system but by lowering your cortisol levels. If you are running on cortisol and caffeine as energy boosters all day long, and you take CBD oil, you are likely to feel relaxed, ready to unwind, and take a break.
However, if you are making plans to be productive right after taking CBD oil it might force you to change your plans and give your body what it needs: rest. That being said, taking a break and allowing your body to regain energy naturally is the healthiest thing to do. So, if you listen to your body and take that break or even a nap, then your energy levels will go up again if it’s still not too late in the day.
4. When You Are Starting to Experience Pain
A lot of people take CBD oil for pain management. We recommend taking it as soon as you start to experience any pain. Same as with stress management, CBD can prevent pain from fully reaching its highest point if taken at the onset of symptoms. CBD works as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic so it doesn’t only make you feel less pain, it also helps your body heal the tissue that is causing it to start with. This means CBD oil helps both in the short-term and long-term, not just being a quick fix at the moment.
5. Before Going to Bed
CBD oil helps a lot of people with insomnia so taking it 30 minutes before going to bed can really have a powerful effect on the quality of your sleep. It will lower cortisol levels thereby allowing your body to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. CBD oil can also help you fall asleep as well as stay asleep throughout the night. It helps you relax and unwind, thus making you feel energized and rejuvenated in the morning since our body recovers while we sleep.
The Bottom Line
As we mentioned previously, the time to take CBD oil will be different for everyone depending on what you are trying to achieve. Do YOU take CBD oil at a different time of the day? Do you find it works differently for you than what we have described above? If so, please share your experience with us by sending us a DM through Instagram. We love hearing from you!
Curious to try CBD oil for yourself? We suggest ICARIA’s flagship, Aphrodite, in the 30 mL size to support your daily needs. We also love that this product features a pleasant nutty taste and offers a better value with the bigger bottle!
You can also check out what other happy customers are saying here!