Does CBD Oil Help With Sleep?

Apr 19, 2019CBD Oil For Stress & Anxiety, CBD oil Health Benefits

Does CBD Oil Help With Sleep?

A lot of us struggle with getting enough sleep or we get up in the morning still feeling tired.

35% of Americans do not get the suggested 7 hours per night. Roughly 20% of Americans suffer from some kind of sleep disorder. It seems that sleep deprivation is becoming an epidemic in our busy society (1)!

However, with the main focus being on getting a straight 8 hours per night, do we ever stop to think about the quality of our sleep instead of just the quantity?

The term sleep hygiene refers to healthy sleep habits. This can make a big difference between restlessness at night and restful and refreshing sleep. Today we will discuss how CBD oil can help with sleep.

What does sleep deprivation do to the body?

With a lack of proper sleep, there come a number of consequences. This includes weight gain, low productivity, low ability to focus, predisposition to accidents, the higher chance of heart problems, more sickness, low sex drive, depression, forgetfulness, aging skin with dark circles, and the list goes on and on. We need to take our sleep habits much more seriously!

We know that certain lifestyle practices can help promote better sleep. This includes putting in place a consistent night routine and going to bed at the same time. Turning off electronics before bed to minimize blue light exposure. Stress management with meditation and regular exercise are also key.

Stress is also a huge component that affects the restfulness of our sleep. If we can stop our racing minds from going through endless to-do lists and worrying about the tasks that need to get done the next day, we can certainly get in more time of precious sleep.

Recommended CBD oil for sleep

Enter CBD oil…

Since CBD can help to reduce the symptoms of anxiety it can also be helpful in reducing sleep difficulty. It can lessen insomnia and boost the amount of sleep you get by reducing interruptions. This will help you get up in the morning feeling more rested and refreshed.

“Taking CBD oil has helped my sleep so much and my boyfriend too! It’s crazy I’ve been able to sleep through the night without any interruptions.”


It also helps to regulate the sleep and wake cycles by regulating the stress hormone cortisol and the sleep hormone melatonin, ensuring that they are in the right balance. This means that if we manage our stress during the day then we will sleep better at night. Throughout the day, CBD can promote alertness and fight fatigue to help with better general performance.

However, the main mechanism of CBD helping with sleep is due to the ability of it to really ease your nerves and anxiety so that you can go to bed feeling calm. We cannot say that CBD oil will be magic pill for your sleep since it does depend on what the reason for your insomnia is. That being said, for most people managing stress with CBD oil before the lights go out at the end of the day will allow you to rest easy and is definitely going to have a positive effect on your life.

“I now have been taking it either before bed or right in the mornings (as opposed to midday) and I found things I’d usually freak out over/stress about I’m feeling a lot more at ease with, so that’s the main benefit for me!! I usually get anxious during/before sleep as well and the oil before bed has helped with even having better dreams oddly enough and also with waking up relaxed and not stressed about the day!”


What is the best way to use it?

Now that you know CBD oil can help with sleep, you will definitely want to incorporate taking CBD oil into your nighttime routine. You can take it either at the beginning of your routine to help you unwind, or just before you settle into bed. For even better results you can also take it throughout the day to help manages stress. This will keep your body in a more relaxed state. Hold it under the tongue for a minute or so for the best absorption. You can also play with the dosage to see what works best for you.

We suggest ICARIA’s Theia Double Strength to get the job done. We like this product since it has no taste making it great to take right before bed once you have brushed your teeth. It also has a higher dosage to help get you snoozing faster!

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