CBD and Yoga – Can CBD Boost Your Practice?

Jul 26, 2019CBD Oil For Stress & Anxiety, CBD oil Health Benefits

cbd and yoga

How mixing CBD and yoga helps you de-stress and get back in touch with you…

How often have you gone to a yoga class and become frustrated by your inability to shut off your brain and ‘let go’? It can be very difficult to silence your thoughts simply because you’ve hit the mat, especially after a long and stressful day. 

Many of us experience varying degrees of anxiety as a result of trying to balance a jam-packed schedule. According to the Canadian Community Health Survey, approximately 25% of Canadians will have at least one anxiety disorder in their lifetime. This is no surprise considering the immense pressure we put on ourselves. We are experts at juggling ten things at once, burning out, then repeating the cycle. From managing the stresses of a demanding career to maintaining personal commitments and relationships, it is no wonder that nourishing our bodies and minds comes in last on our list of priorities. CBD and yoga help.

CBD and Yoga: A Perfect Match?

Regularly practicing yoga is not only soothing in the short-term, but has lasting effects on your mind, body, and soul.  Many yogis have begun to introduce CBD into their daily routines with great results. CBD use has been strongly associated with decreased anxiety, muscle and joint pain relief, increased alertness and concentration, increased mood, and decreased inflammation. Incorporating CBD with yoga helps minimize/prevent joint pain and helps you access a calm, meditative state of mind. CBD works well in gentle, Yin-style classes and in more upbeat, restorative practises.

Simply put, CBD and yoga bring out the best in each other.

CBD and the Body

CBD is also well known to offer anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects on the body. CBD connects with receptors in the brain and immune system. This creates anti-inflammatory and painkilling effects that help to lessen pain. Therefore, helping to relieve those sore, post-yoga muscles and overstretched limbs. Read more about CBD’s effects on relieving pain and inflammation here.

CBD also creates an immunosuppressive effect on our cells that play a major role in controlling inflammation. It has been shown to activate major receptors in the brain stem and spinal cord to reduce inflammatory pain.  Check out one of our customers’ experience with CBD’s anti inflammatory effects:

“[…]My job is very physical and the added activity left me chronically inflamed in my shoulders, arms and hands. You recommended Theia 750 mg/ml to me and it has been truly amazing. I take it in the evening. Funny, it took me about a week to notice that I didn’t need to ice my arms anymore, that I could come home after a physical day and just relax and not wake up in pain the next day. Last night I forgot to take it and my hands were quite stiff this morning so I took it after getting up. I am so very thankful for your product.”

— Chantelle Pruden

CBD and the Mind

CBD is a fantastic addition to your practice because of its soothing effects on our nervous system. Both CBD and yoga ease our systems from a “flight or fight” stress response to a more relaxed state.

And, the benefits of incorporating CBD into your yoga routine extend beyond the matt. In fact, recent studies reveal that CBD sustains the effects of the Anandamide neurotransmitter; a naturally occurring molecule that is released in our brain when we are feeling good. In Sanskrit, ‘Ananda’ means bliss, which is why Anandamide is dubbed ‘the bliss molecule’. So, that post-yoga warm and fuzzy feeling is enhanced by incorporating CBD into your routine.

CBD and the Soul

Introducing CBD at the start of your yoga routine can help you let go of your inhibitions, anxieties, and quiet your mental chatter so you can focus your energy without distractions. It also helps you reach a deep meditative state and access altered levels of consciousness, helping you feel more ‘at one’ with your surroundings and your routine.

CBD helps your notice physical sensations in the body, which enhances the mind-body connection that yoga already develops. The meditative properties of yoga mixed with CBD promote deeper, slower, and more intentional breath—the hallmark of a successful yoga session.

The Verdict?

Incorporating CBD with your yoga routine can help prevent and relieve muscle pain and inflammation. CBD’s ability to help lift brain fog, decrease anxiety, and elevate mood helps you become more connected to yourself and your surroundings. If you are a seasoned yogi or just starting out, CBD is a powerful tool to help you make the most of your practice!

We suggest ICARIA’s THEIA in the 30 mL size. We like this one because there is no flavour so you can take it multiple times throughout the day which is needed to keep muscle pain and inflammation under control!

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